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Typical of Manitoba

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    Typical of Manitoba

    Biopole protesters - most are farmers and other land owners - at the NDP convention in Winnipeg were told to "Get a life" by the NDP delegates.

    That's Manitoba politics.

    1. If you live outside the perimeter highway you mean nothing.

    2. If you own a business or have any sort of wealth you are an enemy of the state.

    3. I could go on...

    And before Manitobans on here flame me, keep in mind I spent the first 20 years of my life in that province.

    Flame you? Why? You hit the nail on the head, no more needs to be said!


      Had to check the title - thought you were talking about Ontariowe...


        Hahaha Klause. Why would we flame you for telling it like it is?

        Those NDP delegates are quite the head cases. At an NDP convention in Brandon once they moved and passed a resolution of individual names the government should refuse to meet or correspond with. I was lucky enough to be on the list. Unfortunately they still wanted my taxes:-(


          Sadly having a conservative government in manitoba won't make it better either.

          Parliamentary systems are supposed to work with a series of checks and balances.

          Now it's just cheques and balances in individual mp or mla accounts.


            Yup... my families' name was on that list also.

            I don't get it... people in Winnipeg cannot be this blind. Can't they see the corruption? Every day a new scandal and everyone is complacent.

            Kind of like people saying Winnipeg is an awesome metropolis... I've been in Winnipeg. .. Calgary... Edmonton... Regina... Saskatoon... Buenos Aires... Minneapolis... Fargo...

            Of all of those Winnipeg is the dirtiest slummiest city... and no one sees it.

            When I was a kid it was such a hip modern and clean place... it's disgusting to see what happened to it.



              "I don't get it... people in Winnipeg cannot be this blind. Can't they see the corruption? Every day a new scandal and everyone is complacent."

              I don't know anything about what is going on scandalwise out that way.

              But I DO know what a mountain of CRAP this Liberal gov't in Ontario has been building ever since McGuinty took over 10 or 11 years ago.

              BILLIONS of public dollars spent to stay in power, Billions of $ spent on supporting their business cronies, billions of $ spent on developing wind and solar energy that then gets exported to the US at a huge loss, bribery charges against the Liberals for getting a candidate to step aside so they could insert their favorite (who eventually won)...

              The stench grow as the list goes on and on, yet Toronto would put these filthy pigs back in in a heartbeat!

              That such governments command such strong support from the urban centers clearly demonstrates: A) a serious imbalance of power,
              B) worse yet, a terrifying and broad shift in thought processes that indicates a breakdown of the values that build a strong society that values the contributions of all it includes.

              Here's the great irony - these slovens that comprise the Ontario government and run it like Stalin claim to be the ultimate champions of "inclusivity".

              Their own actions judge them.


                Well said and accurate about a lot of democracies around the world today.


                  Yep I'll stand up for our ndp manitoba , wrong , we lost windmills which would've given great tax dollars , they went 12 miles south of us into the states, they shut down the pig barns, so will maple leaf go to sask instead someday, manitoba never went through a recession in 08 and yet debt went through the roof . I played ball against pallister and he worked very hard to become one of the top pitchers and he works hard at everything so give him benefit of doubt he will do a good job


                    Windmills make no sense at all in Manitoba without massive subsidies for the power they generate.


                      Wind towers are really built for the carbon credits.


                        Too many free loaders here and the NDP loves that. They keep them sucking at the tit and in turn they keep voting for them. Sickening situation. Nothing smart gets done just more waste of tax dollars this province doesn't have.


                          Hit the nail on the head.
                          Perimeter road is the zone.


                            Okay correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure they were going to be built at there own expense with no substies from government ? It was very good tax money for our area ( windmills ).


                              Wakopa, that's all true. But, the reason they were built was so heavy emitters could get carbon credits. Power generation was secondary.


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