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An Open Letter from Economists on Canadian Carbon Pricing

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    100,000 increase in federal employees since JT first elected.
    31% increase in payroll cost.
    But it's all for a good cause.


      "I have also watched truckers start to turn off their trucks instead of idling while loading."

      ECMs have been programmable to limit idling since the early 90s.
      Engine longevity mostly and fuel savings. Long before a govt did anything. Course you'd know that if you didn't get all your information from a professor.


        Well this about cliches it.

        Mr Geebo say if we do nothing to control climate change by 2050 it will cost the average Canadian family $2000.


        Steven Guilbeault: Why I think the carbon tax is the right policy for Canada

        "?And doing nothing is truly more costly. Climate-related impacts are costing average Canadian households $720 per year today, and will rise to around $2,000 per year by 2050. In 2023, Canada’s severe weather caused over $3.1 billion in insured damages. That’s just the table stakes for impacts that are also costing lives and affecting physical and mental health."

        "One thing we should all be able to agree on is leaving a better country to our children and grandchildren. For the love of our families, we must continue to work for a healthy, safe and sustainable environment for the generations that follow."

        I think Mr Geebo must have written and submitted this op-ed all by himself.

        If you read the comments it seems he can trigger people even more than his boss.

        I can't speak for everyone, but I think my families will be able to afford the $2000 much easier than any more Liberal governments.

        Suggest you download that article before it disappears.


          There are so many critical thinking issues with that Geebo statement you wonder how stupid some people are.


            Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
            There are so many critical thinking issues with that Geebo statement you wonder how stupid some people are.
            We are sending them our money and some think we should send more.


              Mr Geebo say if we do nothing to control climate change by 2050 it will cost the average Canadian family $2000.
              Sounds like a bargain compared to the alternative.
              If we pretend that his number is based on reality, and I know that is a stretch.
              CO2 tax is set to hit $170 per tonne by 2030.
              Canada's per capita CO2 emissions are 15.22 tonnes per year.
              So by 2030, the CO2 tax burden per citizen will be $2587 per year
              Average family size in Canada is 2.9 people.
              So CO2 tax per family in 2030 will be over $7500 per year.
              Using Guilbealt's math, the CO2 tax will cost the average Canadian family nearly 4 times what climate change would otherwise cost.

              This reminds me of Chuck math.

              And these are the people in charge of the purse strings of our country.


                I’ll throw in several thousand just to get rid of , “the rats”.


                  Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                  Mr Geebo say if we do nothing to control climate change by 2050 it will cost the average Canadian family $2000.
                  Sounds like a bargain compared to the alternative.
                  If we pretend that his number is based on reality, and I know that is a stretch.
                  CO2 tax is set to hit $170 per tonne by 2030.
                  Canada's per capita CO2 emissions are 15.22 tonnes per year.
                  So by 2030, the CO2 tax burden per citizen will be $2587 per year
                  Average family size in Canada is 2.9 people.
                  So CO2 tax per family in 2030 will be over $7500 per year.
                  Using Guilbealt's math, the CO2 tax will cost the average Canadian family nearly 4 times what climate change would otherwise cost.

                  This reminds me of Chuck math.

                  And these are the people in charge of the purse strings of our country.
                  Actually quite astonishing that Guilbeault shot a large whole in his signature program. The PBO shows that the cost of the carbon tax is greater than what Guilbeault says the cost of climate change is. And the PBO isn’t biased and Guilbeault certainly is!!!!


                    And to add insult to injury.
                    The imaginary $2000 per year is based on attributing all weather related events and their costs to climate change. Because obviously, in the preindustrial era, all disaster events were caused simply by weather, whereas in the industrial era, all weather is caused by CO2.

                    Just to give the troll something to light his hair on fire about, I'll add that if global warming takes the path the catastrophists want it to go, it will be a massive net economic benefit to Canadians, not a cost.


                      Of course crypto poilievre and the crypto sheep don't listen to economists.

                      That's why Crypto says the carbon tax is the cause of all inflation, apparently even in countries that have similar inflation as Canada but don't have a carbon tax!

                      And that's also why Crypto came up with the brain dead idea that crypto would solve inflation!

                      This is the site where many of the posters support ivermectin as a cure for covid, tolerate real flat earthers, says vaccines are dangerous public policy, and says more CO2 is good for us, that asphalt is the cause of global warming, that we will run out of CO2 if we don't keep burning more fossil fuels, and make claims that renewable energy is more damaging to the environment than fossil fuels. Etc etc.

                      The list is very long, all evidence that basic science and logic let alone expert evidence and knowledge has had little impact on your arm chair opinions and thinking!

                      It's pretty strange for a bunch of farmers whose whole existence and enterprises are dependent on agricultural science and experts to then go on to dismiss all experts in science, economists, vets, and health experts.

                      But no doubt you have your "expert" accountants filing your 2023 farm and corporate tax returns. And you call the lawyer to handle your legal needs. And you call the dealer mechanic to fix many of your equipment problems. And you call the vet when your livestock is sick or has difficulty calving. And you let the agronomist scout your fields and recommend a course of action.

                      But then you then claim experts don't know anything?

                      That's why I call it Agrisilly!

                      Last edited by chuckChuck; Mar 31, 2024, 08:09.


                        Their is a big difference between experts that know what they are doing and ones that dont have a clue , for example the climate alarmists that have been telling us lies for 50 years , we dont keep going back to the mechanic or vet or agronomist that has been wrong every time


                          Well Crop you have demonstrated can't tell the difference between a pest bird or a good bird let alone experts in any field!


                            Tax me harder so I can save money, chuckroach is even sillier than usual!


                              i know one thing most birds are more intelligent than the waco lefties that that think the bit of carbon tax canadains pay will change the weather


                                And doing nothing is truly more costly. Climate-related impacts are costing average Canadian households $720 per year today, and will rise to around $2,000 per year by 2050. In 2023, Canada’s severe weather caused over $3.1 billion in insured damages. That’s just the table stakes for impacts that are also costing lives and affecting physical and mental health."

                                The experts I hire couldn't dream of thinking something this stupid.


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