Good article in the local paper on the Income Trust scandal.
The basic thrust of the thing was this: The Liberal Party apparently has billions tied up in foundations that are perhaps a little shady. To divert attention from these foundations, that pay no tax Goodale started to muse that he might tax the Income Trusts in a different way. This caused a massive downgrading in the value of shares in these trusts. At that time the "inside money" bought in? When literally on the eve of the end of the Liberal government Goodale announced he would not tax the trusts the price skyrocketed? The smart money made a killing...whether from a leak or because they knew long in advance what was about the time Ralph drove the market down?
The resulting "scandal" took the heat off any desire to look at the Liberal well as freed up massive amounts of money from the rising income that moved into Liberal friendly hands!
It almost looks like a last ditch attempt to loot the country before the whole rotten house of cards caved in? Might allow the Liberal brass to flee the country before they have to face the music? Pretty typical in most tin pot dictatorships?
The basic thrust of the thing was this: The Liberal Party apparently has billions tied up in foundations that are perhaps a little shady. To divert attention from these foundations, that pay no tax Goodale started to muse that he might tax the Income Trusts in a different way. This caused a massive downgrading in the value of shares in these trusts. At that time the "inside money" bought in? When literally on the eve of the end of the Liberal government Goodale announced he would not tax the trusts the price skyrocketed? The smart money made a killing...whether from a leak or because they knew long in advance what was about the time Ralph drove the market down?
The resulting "scandal" took the heat off any desire to look at the Liberal well as freed up massive amounts of money from the rising income that moved into Liberal friendly hands!
It almost looks like a last ditch attempt to loot the country before the whole rotten house of cards caved in? Might allow the Liberal brass to flee the country before they have to face the music? Pretty typical in most tin pot dictatorships?