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    2 absolutely top posts. Well done guys


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      Something for you to ponder AB5 when you get over patting yourself on the back for being the "most stable genius" on the forum.


        Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post

        Something for you to ponder AB5 when you get over patting yourself on the back for being the "most stable genius" on the forum.
        Now that you have basically accused every person that doesn't bow down to the alarmist climate change dogma of being a lunatic Grassfarmer I will give you a few thoughts.

        An article in the Western Producer discussing the Green Party's platform on agriculture probably best articulates why I don't support their outlook because it would be supporting and voting for my business's demise. Two quotes from the article, first "A Greem party government in Canada would implement national use standards for nitrogen fertilizer and move away from what it calls industrial livestock production." Second, "Shifting to mostly local, organic production systems for both crops and livestock will reduce climate-changing pollution while increasing the soil's ability to store carbon and retain productivity in the face of climate change." So basically they want to blow up the whole existing agricultural model in Canada. Not everybody is cut out to run a small farm to plate farming operation!

        If you look carefully at most of the messaging of climate alarmists like Naomi Klien, Tzeporah Berman, Elizabeth May it is more about attacking capitalism and large corporations and individual wealth than it is about the environment!!! But as you pointed out, I am just another lunatic, enjoy your day!

        P.S. I have to be honest Grassfarmer, my first impulse was to tell you to go f#*k yourself, fortunately sanity won out lol.


          Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post

          Something for you to ponder AB5 when you get over patting yourself on the back for being the "most stable genius" on the forum.
          Grassfarmer, you are typically one of the more rational posters on here, and I tend to agree with you more often than not, so it is a big disappointment that you now playing Chucks game of proclaiming that science is decided by consensus as opposed to evidence.

          In response, I'll ask the same question as I did of Blaithlin, how do you prove that you keep an open mind on this issue? How many of those 7000 papers have you actually read, and how many papers disagreeing with your bias have you read in the interest of being open minded? By what process did you arrive at your current mindset on this issue, and what is your line in the sand to cause you to reevaluate if you are on the right side?

          And more importantly regarding your attachment, science, by definition is not supposed to have anything to do with ones political affiliations. In fact it is quite ironic that supposed libertarians are statistically more likely to support enforcing drastic actions against global warming, which would in turn massively limit their own personal freedoms.

          It is unfortunate, and likely is the undoing of the entire movement, that the extreme socialist factions have latched onto what started out as genuine science, and usurped it to further their own political agendas.


            Also Grassfarmer, when did the narrative change from Chucks favourite 97%, to now being ALL of the worlds scientists, as is claimed by this twitter post? Have you verified that stat before you posted this? Or did you just repeat it because it agrees with your bias? Do you think there are no scientists ( of any discipline the way it is presented), or no peer reviewed papers by those scientists that disagree with the CAGW narrative as presented? The fact that you posted this would lead one to assume that you cannot be open minded enough to even go looking, or else you you wouldn't have posted something which is so obviously falsifiable. And you do tend to be a stickler for details and facts in most posts.


              All current climate models are fundamentally flawed. It’s not some conspiracy, it’s a fact .
              It’s no elaborate hoax , it’s just that they have conveniently left out critical factors at the base of of their climate models. Hence the hysteria.


                Who are you trying to kid that you're open minded on the issue AB5? The fact that you don't equally challenge posters of nonsense like this clearly highlights your bias.

                "yea sure has been a hot summer and fall lol nice to finally cool off but , seriously, do you think these dumb****ed GW crusaders realize my ****ing hands are freezing what a bunch of ****ing imbeciles. have they enough ****ing brains left to realize were heading into another ****ing ice age"


                  Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                  Who are you trying to kid that you're open minded on the issue AB5? The fact that you don't equally challenge posters of nonsense like this clearly highlights your bias.

                  "yea sure has been a hot summer and fall lol nice to finally cool off but , seriously, do you think these dumb****ed GW crusaders realize my ****ing hands are freezing what a bunch of ****ing imbeciles. have they enough ****ing brains left to realize were heading into another ****ing ice age"
                  Sorry, I didn't realize it was now part of my job description to censure every childish post. I apparently missed that one completely, or ignored it due to all the expletives. I will try to be more vigilant about that, because obviously confusing weather with climate is not helping the cause of science.


                    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                    Where is here? Looks like even more snow than we got ( west central AB, straight west of Red Deer), but the crops look similarly impacted, and almost nothing off here either.

                    This is the reason that I would like to see an address or general area quoted as to where one farms.


                      Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                      Sorry, I didn't realize it was now part of my job description to censure every childish post. I apparently missed that one completely, or ignored it due to all the expletives. I will try to be more vigilant about that, because obviously confusing weather with climate is not helping the cause of science.
                      It's not like that was a rare exception - more like the constant narrative on Agriville and you're happy enough to go along with it day in day out.


                        Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                        It's not like that was a rare exception - more like the constant narrative on Agriville and you're happy enough to go along with it day in day out.
                        No one told me that I had been promoted to Moderator, I sure hope it pays better than my current position on a agriville, Because as you point out, it will quickly morph into a full-time gig. It would be great if both sides could stick with facts and science, wouldn't it.


                          Grassfarmer versus AlbertaFarmer5

                          I declare a stalemate.

                          Game over.


                            Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
                            2 absolutely top posts. Well done guys
                            Thanks, but notice that after all the effort and polite consideration I put into responding, where I answered the actual question , and asking reasonable questions in return; all I got in response was to be called a lunatic because I don't go along with the mob mentality. No answers to my questions or even acknowledgement. Just attack the messenger, right out of Chuck's playbook.

                            Yet I am the one being labeled as not open minded.


                              When grasshat has to go as extreme as to repost a tweet from the alt-left,,, you know, just by that alone,,, he's lost the argument.

                              Posting something from the "young turks",,,, is posting commie babble.


                                "mob mentality", absolutely, we know all, we are right, we will jail deniers...Lemmings over the cliff, FORWARD JT! The Nazis would be proud of such brainwashing of the planet! CO2 EVIL, causes society to face EXTINCTION! Yes Greta...


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