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    Really grassy? Now who is slinging the bullshit?

    I bet you are a fun guy to hang out with. I don't think you play well with others.


      Grass again you prove the point that a Asshole is always a asshole. WTF is a useless tenth it settles the dust. If you were as smart as you try to make us think you would know that. But like always a troll is a troll. Total rain last night dust not even settled just a few drops north side of valley. South Fort a good rain water in one field. Hey it's the rain lotto.


        Oh and as a genius in your own mind grass yes we did have flooding for that many years and yes this year the tap shut off and yes we're living on subsoil moisture. So go crawl back under your rock till you have something of value to say.


          Humboldt got half an inch. Our peas and beans west of Humboldt got 0.1" at home we got 0.2"

          Hail at burr not much damage.

          And the roads are dusty again


            I've got 1hr and 30 minutes to go to set the unbeatable record of 0.0" of rain on the whole farm in the month of July. Good God I hope I never see this again


              Sickeningly unbelievable!

              I don't know if we would of had enough of anything that added up to 2 mls in July.


                And that's a F$&King One for the record book. Skunked for rain in the month of July. Last rain was June 18th. It's been 130 years and never has our farm been skunked. Sunday night it turned at the valley and some got a half inch south side. Un f$&King believable.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                  And that's a F$&King One for the record book. Skunked for rain in the month of July. Last rain was June 18th.....
                  Well, if you ignore this from your own July 6th report: "Well this week was the week we needed the second inch to grow a awesome crop. After the rain events of friday that got to 5 miles from our yard then sat 3 miles and then sunday 6 miles and finally monday night it hit the yard. Not the one inch we needed but couple tenths."


                    Grass get a new hobby! If you were truly involved in farming, especially hay or grass farming, good luck with your 2 tenths of rain in more than a month!!


                      Hey Grass crawl back under your fracking rock. Your one messed up individual.

                      If you think in your warped little mind a tenth can do any thing but settle a little dust. You lately are becoming this complete ****ing asshole.

                      Wow you had rain in your little shit hole part of manitoba but choose to be a prick about it and challenge me with oh you had one tenth.

                      Are you just a complete moron.

                      The answer is simple yes you are.

                      Have a great day.


                        Originally posted by jcv View Post
                        Grass get a new hobby! If you were truly involved in farming, especially hay or grass farming, good luck with your 2 tenths of rain in more than a month!!
                        I am, that's why I always hope for an inch a week through the summer. Unlike SF3 who prays for drought, says he can grow a crop on 2" in the growing season moisture then complains loudest when it happens.


                          Yea I said after all the flood years you moron that we need a break from the rain. yes i did get what i asked for but to a foreigner who just arrived in this country a few years ago and doesn't quite yet get the history or our country. This July was the dryest in our Area Yes the driest in 130 years if you want to count tenths then wow we had two since the june rain day.

                          If you understood soil it can hold one hell of amount of water and if its like this year a slow warm up so the roots went deep deep deep. But again do you actually understand anything or just make shit up along the way.

                          Also you moron here is a lesson in Temps, the lake on Sunday was 29 the farm was 31 and regina hit 39 as we came home on the truck outside temp. yes i understand the truck temp is hotter than the real temp but it gives you a idea.

                          So yes my theory of all a farm in Canada needs to grow a crop is 4 timely one inch rains on our soil.

                          So yes on good ground and a year that were in you can grow a crop, not a good one but really a crop can make it on very little moisture if conditions cooperate.

                          Again i really don't care if you cut me down, your a troll and most see that you really bring shit all to this group.

                          Keep trolling Karma is a bitch.


                            Grass I am very familiar with where you farm in Manitoba, my Great Great Grandfather homesteaded at Homefield, My family still farms there.

                            Everybody would like a set amount of rain each week, but in the late 80's where you farm, it was too dry, and in 1999 and 2011 was too wet.

                            Good luck to your inch a week, and when it gets too dry, you might understand what 2/10ths amounts to.


                              JVC I also trough friends i know where he farms and he has been getting rain. Funny how a troll can give advise and be oh so smart when good times are happening to them.

                              A Troll is a troll.


                                Not sure what everybody's getting all work up about. Grassy is only pointing out what SK3 has posted on Agriville in the past. Sk3 contradicts himself constantly, why shouldn't he be called out?

                                Sk3, not sure why you feel the need to throw a tantrum, name calling and swearing really doesn't help your cause SK3. Didn't you start a thread a week ago admitting you over react! Many of us are suffering from drought, yet you are the only one flying off the handle. Start acting like a big boy, you don't own Agriville, it's an open forum, every poster has the right to be on here, we've all been called out one time or another.

                                As for the rest of you who freely use the word troll or feel posters should "Conform or be cast out" move on to the next post. Besides your all hiding behind an alias so what does that make you.


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