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Manufacturers that don’t fix engineering problems

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    Manufacturers that don’t fix engineering problems

    Anyone having problems with AC in the new Macdon swathers that they seem to be ignoring?

    Whats going on?


      Mine is an '05, and could make ice cubes. Have
      you had anyone look at it?


        YEAH and everybody wants the gun registry gone!!!! Guess what? It's still here and now boat drivers are registered to!!! Wake up, just cause you want it, doesn't mean you're gonna get it........


          I believe it would be better to ask for dual marketing
          rather than elimination of CWB. Should be more
          politically acceptable and still offers pooling for those
          who believe in it. If they do not offer any change then
          we should ask that only red heads pay taxes.


            Single desk or dual desk? Oh, but the third option is best.... keep the CWB as is, but let me out of their fascist control. Just think, the CWB supporters can have the CWB, I will be out of the CWB, and as I have said several times "under those conditions I would sign a waiver that says I never want back in". Myself, and obviously some of the participants in this forum, would be better off. One last condition would have to be... the guys who want the CWB and support it strongly should be forced to stay in the CWB. In that world everyone had the choice and everyone is happy.


              Like Parsley says, it's about no-cost export licenses. There is no reason on earth why we are subject to these rules and Ontario and the Creston valley are not!

              I wonder what our supposed pro choice directors have to say about things at the moment?

              Pretty quiet...


                Cheer up everyone...just checked the CWB site, a 25% call for durum has just been announced! Goes to show, get the price low enough and somebody will buy.


                  It will be interesting to see how much durum gets offered on A series at these prices. Same as if lentils were at say .06 cents. How cheap are guys willing to sell?


                    Ours is an 09 M100. Fogs up, After about 50 hours use it says Check AC System dealer has replaced seals and the whole condensor. sounds like a cronic problem on everyones. Neighbors have same issue. Have to drive with the door open at night because it fogs up so bad.


                      Have had teh similiar issue with our 9300 the new M series is sitting in the shed for this year but hope it isn't still doing this, we have had to run the AC plus heat with full fan at times on the old one to find the perfect balance to keep the interior humidity at a point where this doesn't happen. was real bad in Canola at night at times.


                        Why so mad at the wheat broad. It has nothing to do with price. It
                        gives everybody the chance to sell grain without contracting 6 months
                        before you know if you can produce any product. If you are so good with
                        price forecasts, buy and sell paper, that is where the real money
                        is made these days.
                        As for dual marketing it will never work. The grain trade doesn't
                        want the CWB. If dual market comes into play the CWB will be shut
                        out of the present elevator system.
                        The Canola and other markets are getting to be a bad joke. You
                        can't sell a bushel until you have a contract months before. After
                        you sign you go on the list and wait. Last fall the wait time
                        was 3 months. Viterra's September contract where getting called in
                        December and maybe January and always they needed the product yesterday.
                        Special crops are a real mess. Once you sign, if the price goes up they
                        need the product. If the price drops you get on the wait list where
                        they hope the product spoils, or need the cash and market elsewhere.
                        Had a relation that is still waiting for last years mustard to be picked
                        What really makes my laugh is all the comments that wheat board
                        is the reason for these other programs. If that was so, why is the
                        US farmer the most subsidized operation in the world. I know they
                        say no, but when you look at all programs and taxes, I would say
                        they surpass all others. Few months ago I read where one program
                        could be paying $80/acre on soft wheat.
                        One other comment I picked up off another board. 85% of grain
                        sold in the US are sold in to lower 1/3 of the years price.


                          I think the grain trade favours the CWB. How much
                          wheat would be shipped through export terminals if
                          open market? How much wheat would be railed
                          east/west w/o the CWB? Keeping feed grain prices
                          depressed helps feeders, who owns the big feedlots
                          and barns? Since handling charges are guaranteed,
                          who benefits? If there are any trade disputes, who pays
                          the bill? If there are any labour strikes, who foots the
                          I have lots of questions, what are your thoughts?


                            If we were getting $10-$12/ bus for wheat there wouldn't be a word spoken. However the world market isn't paying that so we have to blame somebody and we are all better marketers than the people we higher to market for us. We know when to sell and hit the high markets all the time and tap into the niche markets only, to get highest returns.

                            Grain companies are our partners the CWB is our enemy.

                            Grain company's job is to show good returns for thier share holders they do this buy increasing market share both in grain handling and input sales so they have to keep farmers comming through the door as all thier profits for the share holders have come out of farmers pockets. Hense they will give us the best deal to keep us comming.

                            The CWB only sells grain for us so they can't give extra breaks and make it back up on cleaning, blending, trucking, drying, fert or chem sales. They only sell into a world market and return that price back to us less the cost of doing buissness.

                            How can we ever make profit when we have our marketing arm selling into world market and competing against our input partners? We sell wholesale and buy retail. If grain companies could increase grain prices they could increase all other costs to us. If we could sell on own to our markets for a higher price input dealers could raise costs and show a better profit.

                            Accredited exporters could be selling into higher markets, if they were there, but what good does that do them they have to return profits to the CWB to be given to farmers.


                              Neither the grain companies or the CWB are my partners. Both are in the business of making money for themselves from my grain. The CWB doesn't work for the farmer any more than anyone else, in fact it's a lot less.

                              What keeps the grain companies in line is competition from other grain companies and a farmers ability to just say "no" to any and all of them.

                              There is nothing and no one keeping the CWB in line. When it comes to board grains it is a completely undisciplined market. Which is why farmers get screwed far worse by the CWB than they ever have by any grain company.


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