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Monopoly or not

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    Originally posted by LWeber View Post

    You might want to call FCC and have them fix their errors...
    Look at the highest price land in your FFC cut and paste in size between the two provinces comparing the farmable land acres as a percentage of the province. Then look at the percentage per acre increase in 2023 on your cut and paste FCC map between the two provinces in farmland values while you're at it.

    That will probably help you understand something about the competition in Manitoba regarding farm land sales and prices per acre.

    Weber when you're done that, cut and paste the colony density locations between the two provinces on the very same farmable land acres .

    Anyway, aren't you from Saskatoon, why not cut and paste the SK. FCC map?

    Just curious, have you bought any farm land lately in Manitoba say in the last couple of years?

    I know I have, without $20k free CEBA , oil lease rights, and interest free cash advance money.


      Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

      Look at the highest price land in your FFC cut and paste in size between the two provinces comparing the farmable land acres as a percentage of the province. Then look at the percentage per acre increase in 2023 on your cut and paste FCC map between the two provinces in farmland values while you're at it.

      That will probably help you understand something about the competition in Manitoba regarding farm land sales and prices per acre.

      Weber when you're done that, cut and paste the colony density locations between the two provinces on the very same farmable land acres .

      Anyway, aren't you from Saskatoon, why not cut and paste the SK. FCC map?

      Just curious, have you bought any farm land lately in Manitoba say in the last couple of years?

      I know I have, without $20k free CEBA , oil lease rights, and interest free cash advance money.

      Must be nice to be that privileged


        Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post

        Must be nice to be that privileged
        And not one FU from you. HeHeHe! Giggle Giggle.

        Furrow,what happened to your camping thread?


          Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

          And not one FU from you. HeHeHe! Giggle Giggle.

          Furrow,what happened to your camping thread?
          Musta been climate change


            What a change a day makes.
            Yesterday forage couldn't compete because of the hutterites. Today the situation is so much better that he's buying land no problem.
            No credibility problem here at all.

            Anyone else get the impression that he just makes it up as he goes along? Just like his fake statistics about land prices and colonies, and selling all of his years old grain at the exact top.


              Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post

              Forage and Chuck like to play fast and loose with the facts. Then run away and never acknowledge that they made it all up.
              I suppose they could have the highest “density”. You might be able to claim Manitoba has the highest population density of the prairies just because almost everyone is crammed into the bottom third while the top 2/3 is nothing.

              Could have the least amount of Hutts but the highest density of them all living within 200 km of the border.

              But even that seems unlikely considering some of the colony placements around Alberta.


                They must have wheels on their goal posts, they move so often.


                  Its a free world agstar, just mosey into your local credit union and tell them to lever you up.

                  I imagine the hutts have 9 figure debt loads in those communes. The biggest BTOs do, how could they do it any differently.


                    Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                    I find it amazing here at times ..
                    Once I realized the leftys are nuts it all makes perfect sense.


                      I think the exit strategy for Tauppaufs or Monettes if they want one is to hive off chunks to the Hutterites.

                      Last I heard the colony starting from scratch at Tessier was putting $27 million into the yardsite alone. They aren't even building it themselves because they don't have time.

                      As far as taxes, they pay the same property taxes as everyone else in this neck of the woods.

                      Tax wise they have atleast one Corp and 100 personal exemptions. Although I would expect not much of the farmer's market cash gets tax paid on it. Rumor was they paid good money plus $300k in cash for a neighbors land a few years back.

                      It sucks to compete against them or the BTO'S. But atleast if the BTO'S buy it there MAY be a chance that it comes up for sale again.

                      But if Hutterites buy it it is never coming back on the market.
                      Last edited by LEP; May 22, 2024, 21:44.


                        Two things can't both be true.
                        Some posters seem to believe that they can't possibly afford to be buying land at these prices and that it will never pay for itself. Seeing what can't go on forever won't go on forever comes to mind.
                        And we also seem to believe that it will never come up for sale again once they buy it. Therefore it must be sustainable and they can't afford it.
                        Pick one or the other.


                          Start or thread Aggy says hutts are buying land at 75 times rental value , but what he ignores the fact that a lot can change in 10 years , in my area i have seen rent more than tripple in 15 years and land values also take a huge increase , i was an outsider when i bought land and likely payed a bit more than the neighbours were willing to pay at the time , but a few short years later they were saying you got a cheep farm ! land is still relatively cheep in prairies compared to other parts of the world , now if you want land and can afford to buy it outbid everyone else , otherwise stop whining and let the highest bidder buy it and wish them the best of luck
                          Last edited by cropgrower; May 23, 2024, 07:00.


                            Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                            Just a side note, how many Hutts fought in WW2 when it came to defending democarcy and freedom for Canada? Young farm boys and men dying on the battlefields while the Hutts hide behind religion and built up the colonies.
                            I'm not about to defend their supposed religious exemption, especially when my grandfather and many of my great uncles all volunteered.
                            But I don't see how you are in any position to judge them. Neutrality was still doing less damage than your Ukrainian ancestors who literally joined the Nazis, who you continue to support to this day.
                            It seems hypocritical in the extreme to show such faux concern about who took what side.
                            Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; May 23, 2024, 07:47.


                              Definitely good Hutts and bad ones for sure. Some have been very good to me. Some I certainly avoid. I am lucky the neighboring colony is managed by a good family line.
                              Conscientious objectors were persecuted heavily in the first war, that's why they moved up here. Some died in prison.
                              Rather they buy land than foreign money.
                              Where does the large family farm go when the management peters out in a particular generation as it will eventually.
                              Consolidation will continue.


                                Forage has wisely decided that the best course of action when you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.

                                I will however point out that is never wise to spout off about things you don't have any knowledge of.

                                Forage claims to be buying land without the assistance of oil lease rights. Whatever an oil lease right is I'm not sure.
                                But if he is referring to surface lease revenue, that is not an asset when buying land, it is a liability since most appraisers will add 5 years of surface lease revenue to the value of the land. Paying that up front when purchasing land does not make the land easier to buy..


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