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World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target

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    All well and good until you're the one being told you have "too much"


      Anyone counted the articles out lately regarding our economic projections/rankings, today and out 25 years?

      As farmers do we sleep better knowing the World Bank now examines every agriculture file to ensure it follows COP targets?

      We are really just flies arguing over whose dung ball is who's. Our largest shared risk is governments. Wake up.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

        So which political parties and leaders across the country are saying more emissions and climate change and all the extreme events that go with it are what we want and need?

        Aren't you the poster who keeps telling us to leave science to the scientists?
        Telling us that a bunch of farmers and engineers and other highly educated posters on agriville are not qualified to analyze the facts on climate change.

        But yet you keep telling us that the opinion of a quorum of politicians is all the proof we need about climate change. You checked out the qualifications of said politicians? How many of them are climate change scientists?

        Something seems contradictory here.


          Chucks pay per post part time job is getting pretty lucrative looks like.


            So when Brian Mulroney pulled together a plan to reduce ozone killing chemicals and reduce acid rain that made him a communist? LOL

            When Steve Harper said Canada will stop burning fossil fuels for energy by 2100 that makes him a communist too?

            Just more dumb ass opinions from the flat earthers who think that protecting the environment is wrong?

            So everyone who wants to protect the environment is a communist?

            Is that your best silly comeback because there are lot of conservatives who think we should protect the environment and reduce pollution.

            So do you think we should get rid of laws that protect drinking water from pollution and bring back banned and dangerous chemicals and just dump our garbage everywhere, or should we have some rules to to protect the environment?

            Those who shit in their own drinking water lead a short and shitty life.

            And you wonder why I call it Agrislly?

            Last edited by chuckChuck; May 18, 2024, 08:07.


              I believe you have confused pollution with plant fertilizer yet again.

              Do you know how many people have died from drinking water contaminated with co2?
              Actually, that's a poor question. Because generally the CO2 in our drinking water is accompanied with high fructose corn syrup which does kill a lot of people


                You keep asking this same rhetorical question.
                No one wonders why you call your personal forum agrisilly. You answer that question with every new thread and every post you make.
                I don't think you see the irony in your statement about sh hitting in your own bed. This is Chuck's daycare. This is your bed, you made it. You wallow in it


                  YUP it is


                    Harper at least had the common sense to know that it will take at least till 2100 to possibly replace petroleum products. Not the insane targets the IPCC has gullible governments like our coalition run gong show running around destroying their economies and screeching climate alarmism.


                      You just aren't very good at this game, are you chuck?
                      In response to my question about how many politicians are accredited climate scientists.
                      Since according to you, they are the only people qualified to discuss climate science.
                      You brought two more non-climate scientist politicians into the discussion. That's proof of your theory that only climate scientists are qualified.

                      Do you not see the contradiction in your mantra?
                      Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; May 18, 2024, 22:03.


                        In this conversation I would ask who are the bees and who the flies.
                        Cc comes on once a day, pokes the embers and buggers off.
                        He can compare poisons like sulfur or DDT to CO2. We know better.
                        He cannot see the consequences, we can. When has he ever said anything that made economic sense. Or acknowledged risk to sovereignty.
                        We are better off exchanging ideas ourselves and simply using him for a telling barometer for the impending storm.


                          BP, do I need to define what a pollutant is again?

                          Because excess CO2 in the atmosphere that causes climate change is considered a pollutant.

                          So is Steve Harper a communist because he said Canada will have to stop burning fossil fuels? Yes or no? Don't run away with your tail between your legs on this BP!

                          What about PP who said climate change is real? Commie?

                          So when Brian Mulroney pulled together a plan to reduce ozone killing chemicals and reduce acid rain that made him a communist?

                          So everyone who wants to protect the environment is a communist?​

                          Only on Agrisilly!


                            No. Only the ones who want to use environmentalism as a front to bring about their long sought after Communist revolution are communists.
                            Most environmentalists genuinely care about the environment. Most global warmunists only care about killing capitalism.
                            Notice in which category our favorite troll falls into. Drives several pickup trucks, can't list even a single sustainable initiative taken on his farm, uses solar, the dirtiest of electricity producing technologies, instead of the cleanest available natural gas on his doorstep.
                            So why does Stephen Harper only get his name shortened to Steve instead of stevie? Why the reverence for that particular conservative politician? I thought you two used to be bitter enemies after he finally put your cwb out of its misery?
                            And Brian mulroney, doesn't even get any nickname, why inconsistency?
                            Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; May 19, 2024, 08:29. Reason: As Chuck pointed out, I had multiple text to speech failures in this post.


                              A5 you seem a little more unfocused and scatter brained than usual!

                              Up to early spraying and your sleep has been disrupted? Have another coffee!

                              I know it won't help with your lack of common sense but it might help you string some coherent sentences together!


                                I'll write slower for you.
                                Toxicity is in the dosage.
                                Your comparisons are weak.
                                20 years ago we were allowed to call ourselves in the G7 and the BRICs were biding their time.
                                That has changed.
                                Fanaticism within our borders will never protect us from the world.


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