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World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target

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    The biggest bill for our children will derive from our singular focus on carbon and complete ignorance of all the other issues in the world.
    I don't care what you're selling to generate revenue, green or black, but you better get on it.


      Originally posted by Hamloc View Post

      ”A big bill for future generations”? You mean the $1.33 trillion in federal debt in Canada? Of which over half has been added since Justin Trudeau has been elected!!! Has this additional debt made life more affordable in Canada? Is our health system more accessible? Our military better funded? Can young families afford a home? The answer is no to these questions. Government debt is nothing but deferred tax increases!!
      Conversely, the economic benefits of global warming (if the warming phase of this cycle happens to continue, regardless of cause) to a cold northern country such as Canada are immense. More arable acres, lower heating bills, longer growing seasons, less road maintenance, lower energy needs, open up new areas for resource development, northern shipping routes, extended shipping seasons etc. etc. Plus all the benefits of higher CO2 for yields and drought tolerance and greening.
      That denier company, Moody's even agrees that Canada will be a net beneficiary:


        yes bring it on , sooner the better


          The flat earthers are cheering on human caused climate change and more droughts, floods, less water from snow pack and glaciers, more forest fires, more smoke, heat domes, coastal flooding and other extreme events around the world! Bring it on?

          So which political parties and leaders across the country are saying more emissions and climate change and all the extreme events that go with it are what we want and need?


          That should be a clue that you agrisilly idiots are a bunch of fringe fools!

          But since many of you are clueless i doubt you will figure it out!


            anybody know anything about this ? have some wood chucks been out with chainsaws ?


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              The flat earthers are cheering on human caused climate change and more droughts, floods, less water from snow pack and glaciers, more forest fires, more smoke, heat domes, coastal flooding and other extreme events around the world! Bring it on?
              Well it looks like the climate changed over the few fires we had and we won't have to hear MSM moan on about being surrounded by fires.


                I’d like to know Chuck, is the 6000 acres you farm naturally open? No trees ever been cleared, no sod ever been broken? If not then you should put your money where your mouth is and let it go back the way it was , you’re part of the problem yourself and if you’re not going to be the first to set an example of reseeding it to prairie grass or poplar trees get off your soapbox.


                  There is a balance to managing land and natural resources and it makes no sense to clear everything and farm marginal land that would be best left as natural.

                  It seems as the ones who are doing most of the aggressive clearing are often the ones who already have lots of land and could easily set aside wetlands and natural areas for everybody's benefit.

                  Our farm has lots of natural areas left untouched. Some it has been previously cleared by other landowners. And most of the time the low spots on the cleared land are too wet in spring to farm anyway.


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

                    It seems as the ones who are doing most of the aggressive clearing are often the ones who already have lots of land and could easily set aside wetlands and natural areas for everybody's benefit.
                    Chuck, your communist side is showing through again. Remember, that was supposed to be your inside voice. As I keep telling you, remember the watermelon analogy: red on the inside green on the outside. Your green veneer is so thin barely even hides the red most days.


                      AKA the new socialism?


                        Leaving the untouched natural areas is not good enough. Seed the broke land back down, why do you need all those arable acres? Be the change you want to see.


                          I expect it never occurred to Chuck that the operations already have lots of land who are converting the unproductive areas into productive land might just be the most efficient producers? The producers who have experience, the knowledge, the tools and the capital to make the improvements are the ones Chuck wants to shut down because they already have too much land. It's not fair to the producers such as him who lack any of the above.
                          The free market at work, can't have that. Need to regulate those capitalists out of existence, so that chuck can compete.

                          Does raise a question though, what is the natural state of the basement floor where he farms? Should it be returned to its natural carpeted state or all the way back to the natural State before the house was built?


                            Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                            I expect it never occurred to Chuck that the operations already have lots of land who are converting the unproductive areas into productive land might just be the most efficient producers? The producers who have experience, the knowledge, the tools and the capital to make the improvements are the ones Chuck wants to shut down because they already have too much land. It's not fair to the producers such as him who lack any of the above.
                            The free market at work, can't have that. Need to regulate those capitalists out of existence, so that chuck can compete.

                            Does raise a question though, what is the natural state of the basement floor where he farms? Should it be returned to its natural carpeted state or all the way back to the natural State before the house was built?
                            Convenient Communists are all alike. I have an uncle who is the same, says farmers shouldn’t be clearing land to produce food but it’s ok for him to cut and sell firewood for top dollar off the land he owns.


                              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                              land that would be best left as natural.
                              Lots of meaningless platitudes in that post.
                              So what is natural?
                              Before the white man came along, natural was to have forest fires or prairie fires every few years. But it seems you are against forest fires lately.

                              Reminds me of the environmentalists trying to protect the fish in our local creek. They want to stop any kind of development that might potentially in some way affect the fish population.
                              Been in there publication they acknowledge that this fish population was introduced many years ago. So it was okay to disturb the natural balance by introducing fish, but not okay to disturb the unnatural balance that might disturb the unnatural fish.


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