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An Open Letter from Economists on Canadian Carbon Pricing

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    I notice that Chuck hasn't started a new covid thread for over a month, he has let most of the rest of his covid threads die. I consider Chuck a proxy for the wider NDP, NFU, Liberal, closet communist community. A window into how they think ( or don't think).
    It appears he has now given up on his plan B, or a socialist/communist revolution through pandemic and vaccine status.
    Which is good news.
    The bad news, is that he and his ilk have redoubled their efforts into plan A, a communist revolution through demonizing energy and climate change. After being on the backburner since 2020, it is back to front and center. Just look at the number of new threads and posts he makes defending the CO2 tax, defending unreliable energy, justifying weather as climate, and attacking reliable energy and capitalist businesses.

    It seems it doesn't matter what the latest cause du jour is, the solution is the same, and the proponents are the same, and the tactics are the same.


      Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
      I notice that Chuck hasn't started a new covid thread for over a month, he has let most of the rest of his covid threads die. I consider Chuck a proxy for the wider NDP, NFU, Liberal, closet communist community. A window into how they think ( or don't think).
      It appears he has now given up on his plan B, or a socialist/communist revolution through pandemic and vaccine status.
      Which is good news.
      The bad news, is that he and his ilk have redoubled their efforts into plan A, a communist revolution through demonizing energy and climate change. After being on the backburner since 2020, it is back to front and center. Just look at the number of new threads and posts he makes defending the CO2 tax, defending unreliable energy, justifying weather as climate, and attacking reliable energy and capitalist businesses.

      It seems it doesn't matter what the latest cause du jour is, the solution is the same, and the proponents are the same, and the tactics are the same.
      I think what is fascinatingly consistent is how progressives all happen to pick the same targets. The Communist Broadcasting Corporation (the CBC) normally goes after Premier Danielle Smith and her policies, this week they are going after Premier Doug Ford of Ontario after he said either the carbon tax goes or Justin Trudeau will go. So yes the lefties certainly tend to all head in the same direction at the same time.


        "So yes the lefties certainly tend to all head in the same direction at the same time."

        Hopefully Lemmings over the CLIFF....good ridance!


          A5 you really seem to be losing it!

          "It appears he has now given up on his plan B, or a socialist/communist revolution through pandemic and vaccine status."? Huh?

          It was a world wide pandemic and most Canadians got vaccinated to reduce the spread and severity of the disease.

          As if humans haven't been trying to reduce the impact of disease for decades?

          What a laugh!

          A5 thinks vaccine programs to reduce the impact of disease are a revolution in the making?

          Alberta and Saskatchewan both had vaccine programs and measures for covid.

          Moe and Kenney are socialist revolutionaries?

          What are you smokin out there is la la libertarian land A5?

          And you wonder why I call it agrislly!


            You're right, chuck. It is probably just a coincidence and there are lots of factors as to why both of these supposed problems required the same solutions. More government control, less freedom, controls on capitalism, surrendering provincial and national autonomy to unelected international organizations complete media control, public shaming of scientists who don't tow the party line, proclamations that the science is settled, that debate is not tolerated, long before any evidence is even available.

            All just random coincidences. Just like the random coincidence that more wind and solar always results in higher electricity costs. Many factors.


              A5 just more excuses as to why you can't make a logical convincing argument?

              There is a conspiracy against you?

              And then you come up with really dumbass ideas that make absolutely no sense, proving that even if there was a conspiracy you still don't have a clue!


                Very logical AB5, thanks, I am convinced. We all must think and reason, really hard for some.


                  Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                  I notice that Chuck hasn't started a new covid thread for over a month, he has let most of the rest of his covid threads die. I consider Chuck a proxy for the wider NDP, NFU, Liberal, closet communist community. A window into how they think ( or don't think).
                  It appears he has now given up on his plan B, or a socialist/communist revolution through pandemic and vaccine status.
                  Which is good news.
                  The bad news, is that he and his ilk have redoubled their efforts into plan A, a communist revolution through demonizing energy and climate change. After being on the backburner since 2020, it is back to front and center. Just look at the number of new threads and posts he makes defending the CO2 tax, defending unreliable energy, justifying weather as climate, and attacking reliable energy and capitalist businesses.

                  It seems it doesn't matter what the latest cause du jour is, the solution is the same, and the proponents are the same, and the tactics are the same.
                  yes everybody but the clueless chucks know what the plan is , funny just like the plandemic they allways tell us what their plan is and some still cant wake up


                    More Crap from Crop?

                    Did the Crows eat your breakfast?

                    Even Steve Harper called global warming a socialist plot then went on to sign a G7 agreement that said Canada would stop burning fossil fuels for energy by the year 2100.

                    If it is not a problem why did he sign?


                      [QUOTE=chuckChuck;n792269]A5 you really seem to be losing it!

                      "It appears he has now given up on his plan B, or a socialist/communist revolution through pandemic and vaccine status."? Huh?

                      It was a world wide pandemic and most Canadians got vaccinated to reduce the spread and severity of the disease.

                      They were duped into taking an untested, unproven non-vaccine that destroyed their immunity and caused blood clots. Now we are seeing epidemic cancer in younger and younger people. Just as predicted!


                        Sure some dumb guy!

                        You are now blaming all diseases and deaths on the vax now? Well that's an understatement! LOL Good grief!

                        I guess every provincial premier including Moe, Ford and Kenney were in on the conspiracy too? ?


                          Excess death numbers still way up , funny how that started in 2021 ? working as planned , keep taking your jabs anyhow CC , you are the carbon they want gone


                            No wonder you appear to be one of the dumbest posters on this site Crop. And that is no small feat knowing the competition you have!

                            You read crap news papers and think its fact!

                            If vaccinations were designed to kill us, the 85% of Canadians that were vaccinated should be dead by now don't you think?

                            Is that you behind the paper? You are looking a liitle crazy!
                            Last edited by chuckChuck; Apr 6, 2024, 08:19.


                              Does anyone actually believe that when the CO2 tax reaches $170 per tone, that will be the end?
                              In australia, they are now saying it needs to go over $400 per ton.
                              That would triple the cost of a barrel of oil. But I'm sure the troll will be alone shortly to reassure us that will only cause 0.6 of a percent of inflation.

                              Exclusive: Australian Energy Markets Commission set interim value for cutting emissions that should reach $420/t CO-e by 2050


                                A5 I see you are standing up for one of your like minded Agrisilly friends Crop, by saying nothing about his absurd laughable claim that covid vaccines were designed to kill people!

                                So what is Crypto going do to reduce emissions that is a lower cost option?

                                Hidden taxes, regulations and more expensive technology like nuclear? Naw

                                Scott Moe looked at the options and couldn't find a lower cost option than the tax which is rebated to 80% of consumers. He has his own large emitter carbon tax.

                                But You are happy to have taxpayers subsidize the fossil fuel industry to the tune of over $5 billion per year in Canada for how long? And that apparently that doesn't cost consumers anything?

                                Not to mention the excess profits that transfer wealth from consumers to the petro elite who control supply and prices on a world scale?

                                Quite the impressive feat for a pretend libertarian and fiscal conservative to support the oil cartel and taxpayer subsidies that help make them richer!


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