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Poilievre’s Housing Hell video offers a lousy, analysis of our housing crisis

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    A5, Put your "talent" to it's appropriate good use and help comrade Big Lentil in the Canada Flat as a Pancake thread!


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      A5, Put your "talent" to it's appropriate good use and help comrade Big Lentil in the Canada Flat as a Pancake thread!
      You seem to be avoiding my question about how you travelled to Ontario without burning fossil fuels and contributing to climate change?


        And you seem to be avoiding discussing the topic at hand. Crypto Turd's simplistic housing video is just his usual nonsense with no common sense!

        And now he is blaming Trudeau for ruining Christmas too! Not really Prime Minster like material and kind of silly.

        I can't wait for his next video.... How the Liberals Stole Christmas. Crypto will star again in his self declared "brilliant" tragedy. Cue the violins!


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          And you seem to be avoiding discussing the topic at hand. Crypto Turd's simplistic housing video is just his usual nonsense with no common sense!

          And now he is blaming Trudeau for ruining Christmas too! Not really Prime Minster like material and kind of silly.

          I can't wait for his next video.... How the Liberals Stole Christmas. Crypto will star again in his self declared "brilliant" tragedy. Cue the violins!
          I'm not sure what a crypto turd is? Is that the latest new cryptocurrency pyramid scheme?
          Have you bought yours yet? Sounds like a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing.


            Try to put 2 and 2 together and figure it out A5. Here's a clue:

            The leader of the official opposition just released a much "self acclaimed" video on how the only cause of rising house prices is a single politician. It's the kind of fiction you and the usual suspects fall for, no questions asked.


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              Try to put 2 and 2 together and figure it out A5. Here's a clue:

              The leader of the official opposition just released a much "self acclaimed" video on how the only cause of rising house prices is a single politician. It's the kind of fiction you and the usual suspects fall for, no questions asked.
              I see. And did you come up with that nickname all by yourself? Or did you have help from the other 6-year-old bullies on the playground?
              What happened to my new nickname?
              It didn't last very long.


                Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                And you seem to be avoiding discussing the topic at hand. Crypto Turd's simplistic housing video is just his usual nonsense with no common sense!

                And now he is blaming Trudeau for ruining Christmas too! Not really Prime Minster like material and kind of silly.

                I can't wait for his next video.... How the Liberals Stole Christmas. Crypto will star again in his self declared "brilliant" tragedy. Cue the violins!
                what he is gonna do is ruin numbnuts "Joley" Christmas
                Last edited by Guest; Dec 7, 2023, 16:30.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  And you seem to be avoiding discussing the topic at hand. Crypto Turd's simplistic housing video is just his usual nonsense with no common sense!
                  So all I have to do is explain my opinion of Pollievre(again, we have been through this multiple times before), and then you will explain how you traveled from Saskatchewan to Ontario without emitting any CO2?


                    This image sums up my opinion.


                      Although alternatives are slim and Polievre leans towards shucksterism, JT's only talent is, as the dumbest politician I can find, getting votes.
                      And yet, not one criticism. More biased than any media source.


                        Good article by John Ivison.


                          John Ivison is not a Poilievre fan but even he doesn’t argue with success. Poilievre has Trudeau chasing his tail in circles.


                            "But you have to go back to the 1980s to get to the root of the housing crisis, when two successive Canadian governments — one Conservative, the other Liberal — ended federal housing programs that had built thousands of units of affordable housing. Governments switched to supporting Canadians to enter the housing market as homeowners, pushing the idea that a home is not just a place to live but a savvy investment.

                            That thirst for home ownership — and banks’ relaxation of lending to help ordinary people attain that dream — led to a housing bubble across North America and parts of Europe, which ended with the 2008 financial crisis

                            When the Liberals were elected in 2015, they announced the federal government would be re-entering housing with the creation of the National Housing Strategy. But from the start, critics panned the strategy for not being bold enough and failing to devote enough funding to actually make a dent in the huge need for affordable housing.

                            The housing market is complicated, swayed by population and demographic trends, market conditions, building costs and municipal, provincial and federal policies. So how does Poilievre manage to blame the whole thing on Trudeau?

                            Pinpointing 2020, the year the COVID-19 pandemic started, although this isn’t mentioned in the video, Poilievre zeros in on the Trudeau government’s increased spending in this period — the benefits like the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, or CERB, that were hastily designed to cushion Canadians through a historic interruption in economic activity.

                            Poilievre then draws a line from government spending to increased inflation to higher interest rates, which have led to higher mortgage payments for many Canadians. He promises that a Conservative government will cut government spending — here the video focuses on another Poilievre villain, the CBC — as a way to tame inflation.

                            “I think that’s a very simplistic explanation. Most governments ran really big deficits during COVID,” said John Pasalis, president of Toronto real estate brokerage Realosophy. “It’s a bit naive to suggest that these are the causes.”

                            The non-Poilievre explanation for what happened to Canada’s economy during the pandemic goes like this.

                            In 2020, the federal government spent big to protect individuals and businesses from the economic effects of COVID-19. The Bank of Canada also bought government bonds in a process called quantitative easing, which is supposed to help a flagging economy by reducing the cost of borrowing. (The previous Conservative government also increased spending to counter the 2008 financial crisis and stimulate the economy, and the Bank of Canada also used quantitative easing during that period.)

                            Throughout 2021 and 2022, normal manufacturing and shipping were disrupted across the globe by COVID-19. With demand outweighing supply for many goods, inflation rose significantly in a short time.

                            To counter that rising inflation, the Bank of Canada raised interest rates — leading to higher mortgage rates, something most homeowners hadn’t experienced because interest rates have been very low for the past two decades. Those low interest rates were a key factor in rising home prices over the past 20 years.

                            But according to Poilievre — who doesn’t mention the COVID-19 pandemic once in his video — this problem will be solved by a Conservative government that promises to cut government waste and introduce a “dollar for dollar” law that requires one dollar in savings to be found for every dollar of new spending.

                            Poilievre is promising that reducing government spending will bring down mortgage interest rates.

                            Kershaw said he agrees that quantitative easing played a part in higher home prices during the early pandemic period, when people were looking for homes in smaller towns as work culture changed.

                            “But the relationship between today’s deficits and interest rates is fundamentally different,” he said, adding that today’s federal deficits are caused not by pandemic-era stimulus spending but by health and benefits spending as Canada’s population ages.


                              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                              In a recent trip to Ontario I was telling a small restaurant owner about housing prices and the available jobs in Saskatchewan. He had been a truck driver. He seemed interested. But the problem is if you don't have the means and desire to move it doesn't happen. That said more and more people are discovering that they can have a good life in a more rural parts of Canada. But many want meaning full jobs that fit their skills and interests not just good paying jobs. And they also need a job for a spouse. The reality is many people and families are not willing to give up their friends and family and uproot their lives to move to a rural community far away from home and to a culture they don't know or appreciate the same way we do.
                              Join us November 23-25, 2023 in Ottawa and online for “The Future of Farming: In Our Hands”, the NFU’s 54th annual National Convention.

                              was there any “real” farmers there ?
                              does the NFU know how you conduct yourself on this public forum ?
                              did all the NFU’ers ride their bikes to it or come in electric airplanes ?


                                Originally posted by caseih View Post

                                Join us November 23-25, 2023 in Ottawa and online for “The Future of Farming: In Our Hands”, the NFU’s 54th annual National Convention.

                                was there any “real” farmers there ?
                                does the NFU know how you conduct yourself on this public forum ?
                                did all the NFU’ers ride their bikes to it or come in electric airplanes ?
                                Judging by the membership of the nfu, I'm sure they are proud of how he conducts himself on a public forum.
                                But if Saskatchewan wheat knew how he acts, I would hope they would hold their directors to a higher standard.


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