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I Love Canada

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    I Love Canada

    All my assets are here, and I pay all my taxes here. Maybe the next Prime Minister will as well?

    As Cuba Gooding Jr. said in the movie Jerry McGuire, “show me the money”.

    Paul Martin is a successful businessman with extensive assets in Canada and internationally. Contrast that with Stephen Harper who has no business experience at all. Harper is an academic who has never met a payroll in his life. Harper is an economist, not a businessman. Back in the days when honest Bob Stanfield was leader the PCs had a strong business focus. Somewhere along the way that has been lost. Even Peter McKay has no business experience being educated as a lawyer. McKays claim to fame is he was the last leader of the Progressive Conservative Party and after being elected as leader of the PCs promptly broke his promise not to join the Alliance party. Although I prefer McKay to Harper there are real concerns about McKays credibility and honesty. The man could not be trusted when he won the leadership of the PCs and he simply cannot be trusted now.

    I frankly prefer leaders, irregardless of political affiliation, who bring strong business experience to their government job. It seems to be increasingly difficult to attract people to government who have demonstrated success in business. I really like to see Canadians and Canadian business branching out internationally, much better than Americans coming here and buying up our county.

    Interestingly enough Stephen Harper began his political career with the Liberals.


      Love of ones country must not be confused with love of ones government!


        "Interestingly enough Stephen Harper began his political career with the Liberals."

        If true...not a surprise.

        Many when young are "liberal", then they mature!


          And what did your beloved Jean Chretien bring to the table f_s?? I believe he was, and still is, a lawyer who managed to involve himself in many business deals on the side. I seem to recall something about a little golf course or something...??

          In your efforts to find as much mud to sling at Stephen Harper as you can, please feel free to find some for the other leaders if you want. Thanks.


            Oh yeah, and if by success you mean running a company that has accepted over 160 million in gov't grants, but does not pay any canadian corporate tax, then I guess he is a very successful business man.

            Maybe I can set up the farm that way too? No, I guess not.


              hmmm...lets see Paul works for Power Corp. and then they give him this sweetheart deal on Canadian Steamship lines? Suddenly this dog flourishes and Paul is an instant millionaire...then he promptly gets involved in politics using the old mans connections...and low and behold he becomes finance minister! In the meantime he "divests" himself of CSL and proceeds to use every dirty connection to help it out?
              Also he continues to do everything possible to help his old benafactors over at Power Corp.?
              Yep, sounds like an excellent Quebec businessman? I think I'll stick with that dumbass Harper!


                If you want to succeed politicaly in Canada you need to groom relationships with the Power Corp bosses, the Demaries!
                Just watch Peter Mckay who is now dateing a Demarie daughter. Watch for him to undermine Harper.


                  Reading Jack Layton's bio I see he operated a small business besides being a professor. It is my preference that the leader of our country have business experience. It is unfortunate that Harper and McKay have none.

                  You might be interested to know that Paul Desmarais' son is married to Chretian's daughter France.

                  Speaking of love for ones country...Next time Harper is asked if he loves Canada I hope he says yes!


                    I don't really think that shouting about one's love for one's country from the rooftops proves a damn thing.
                    Judge by the actions, not words I alway say.
                    There are many leaders that aren't businesspeople. Ralph seems to have done fairly well and he didn't have a degree or a business that I know of.

                    Some folks seem to look down on potential leaders because of their lack of certain expertise, but I always like to see what they are made of, and what kind of integrity they have. Running successful businesses doesn't necessarily indicate that the person has all the other qualities that should be part of the 'job description ' of a leader.


                      According to Klein’s biography, Ralph enlisted in the Canadian Air Forces while still in High School. Upon leaving the service, Mr. Klein completed his high school education, eventually becoming principal of the Calgary Business College.

                      From 1963 to 1969 Mr. Klein pursued a public relations career with the Alberta Division of the Red Cross and the United Way of Calgary and District. For the next 11 years, he was the Senior Civic Affairs reporter with CFCN Television and Radio.

                      The rest is history.


                        He received a degree from Athabasca University not too long ago, my understanding was it was his first degree.


                          I would suspect that Peter MacKay could argue that he does have some business experience in the agricultural industry since he grew up on his fathers farm in NS. After all, we did see him on national TV with his shovel on his way out to dig potatoes !!!!!


                            Martin's screaming of his love for Canada sure looked a lot like Howard Dean of the Democrats. It would sure be nice to see the same fate befall him.

                            I would guess that most people would say they judge others by the company they keep, the friends they keep close, and the way they operate their business. If you apply those judgements to Paul Martin, the answer is pretty clear. I'll put more trust in Harper.

                            I don't know if you noticed f_s, but the conservative party actually wants input from it's members and MPs on issues and votes. If you are happy in the way that the Liberals believe in one man holding all the power, just say so.


                              I don't know what credentials Ralph has but he sure could be teaching politics in any school in the world!
                              In a nut shell "Them that can, do....them that can't, teach!"
                              Somehow I have a problem with Peter MacKay. I suspect he is a very "RED Tory" and he obviously has no problem with not keeping his word? Look how he screwed David Orchard?
                              I find it interesting that he is snuggling up to the bosses at Power Corp.? I imagine him and Chretien have a real good time at the family gatherings?
                              Paul Martin is a weasel! He goes along with all the crooked deals that Chretien cooked up and then tries to pretend he was lily white? Come on, are we that naive?
                              He gets right out there ,with Chretien, and supports the idea of scrapping the GST...and then goes on TV and with this mournful look says "Sorry, we made a mistake...but thanks for your vote anyway!" At least old Sheila had the guts to resign!
                              Today he is talking $30 billion tax cuts...just like the $100 billion he says he's made so far? He is a snake oil salesman, pure and simple.


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