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Talk About Misinformation

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    Doug Ford publicly agreed with the federal emergency act. Ontario declared a public emergency as well.

    But he is scared of testifying. Not sure why after he won by a large majority and there was very little support in Ontario for the illegal blockade and occupations.

    The biggest problem seems to be the Ontario and Ottawa police along with the RCMP were completely disorganized and incompetent.

    If they had blocked the large convoy of trucks and trailers from getting anywhere near the centre of Ottawa and enforced the laws that already exist, the protest would have been over within a few days.

    You are welcome to protest and go home but you can't block streets and borders for days.

    So when the next blockade happens somewhere across Canada do you think Polarizing Polly will support them if they happen to be first nations? I am betting not! LOL


      Originally posted by katoe View Post
      I find it amazing that you convoy supporters as well as those choosing not to get vaccinated think everyone that does not support the convoy and got vaccinated willingly are all liberal supporters. Anyone that doesnt think like you is a liberal. I despise Trudeau and his govt but the only good thing he ever did in my humble opinion was put in the emergencies act. It sure sent those coutts protesters heading for home when the thought of their bank accounts getting frozen. Oh i know they left because weapons were found and they were afraid of being linked to them or something. Ya ok well whatever. I sure find it strange that Premier Kenney sent a letter to ottawa asking for help to clear the border and now our govt says they didnt need help. I also believe that this measure should have been used in the rail blockade earlier. Im sure you do too. Nobody has the right to hold up the economy by protesting and inconveniencing others. just my humble opinion.
      In reading news accounts now and at the time I would have to respectfully disagree, I don’t believe the emergencies act had any influence on the ending of the Coutts blockade. Some good work by the RCMP lead to the protesters going home. Just my humble opinion.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        Doug Ford publicly agreed with the federal emergency act. Ontario declared a public emergency as well.

        But he is scared of testifying. Not sure why after he won by a large majority and there was very little support in Ontario for the illegal blockade and occupations.

        The biggest problem seems to be the Ontario and Ottawa police along with the RCMP were completely disorganized and incompetent.

        If they had blocked the large convoy of trucks and trailers from getting anywhere near the centre of Ottawa and enforced the laws that already exist, the protest would have been over within a few days.

        You are welcome to protest and go home but you can't block streets and borders for days.

        So when the next blockade happens somewhere across Canada do you think Polarizing Polly will support them if they happen to be first nations? I am betting not! LOL
        Chuck I was with you until the last sentence when you just couldn’t help yourself, you just had to take a shot at Pierre!?



          He already said he doesn't support illegal blockades and governments should use the full force of the law to end them except for the truckers antivaxer convoy! LOL


            "Nobody has the right to hold up the economy by protesting and inconveniencing others."

            The Unions have been doing this all my life, from teachers to RR unions, we are PAID for their wages.


              i see the the fake news media are possibly being called now to explain all their lies , that would be very interesting to watch


                Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                "Nobody has the right to hold up the economy by protesting and inconveniencing others."

                The Unions have been doing this all my life, from teachers to RR unions, we are PAID for their wages.
                And Chuck and his nfu and NDP have been supporting them every step of the way.

                Violence and threats and disruptions to other vital industries. But that's okay because it's unions. Anything for the good of the revolution.


                  And some on the right wing would happily go back to a time before workers had any rights whatsoever.

                  Just like they think going back to the pliocene would be no problem? LOL


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

                    He already said he doesn't support illegal blockades and governments should use the full force of the law to end them except for the truckers antivaxer convoy! LOL
                    You seem to have a pile of confusion. Do you know the difference between the blockades and the Ottawa protest?

                    Do you know that the Ottawa protest was against the mandates, not the fake clot shot you have been led to believe is a vaccine?

                    Do you know my family is up to date on all traditional, tried and tested vaccines?

                    Did you know anti vaxxers are a tiny, tiny minority?

                    Perhaps I should define vaccine for you, using the pre scamdemic definition. The definition which was conveniently changed prior to the rollout of this killer clot shot?

                    Another day, another young person dies of or has a heart attack. The latest? An 18 year old suffered a massive heart attack after a tennis warmup.

                    Close your eyes. Stick your fingers in your ears all you want and say lalalala.

                    Leave the rest of us who are watching and wanting to learn alone.

                    Above all, stop lying. Stop with the misinformation. And stop with your petty personal attacks. Maybe you don’t realize it, but they make you look to be between 7 and 9 years old. Seriously.


                      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                      And some on the right wing would happily go back to a time before workers had any rights whatsoever.

                      Just like they think going back to the pliocene would be no problem? LOL
                      Stop lying.


                        we too had our kids have their shots when the time came , we even took the flu shot on fall of 2020
                        but now we are called antivaxers , but we dont care , from the start things did not sound right with C19 jab and we decided to wait and see for a while , soon the cover ups , censorship ,contradictions and name calling started , and now they have come out and said it was not even tested to do what they said , trust is gone and it will take a lot to restore that for us , so keep on hateing and name calling us CC , we dont care one bit , we are just thankfull we did not get conned
                        and also you are still very confused about convoy but that is to be understod when you just swallow the lies from CBC etc
                        it was all about mandates not jabs , lots there that had jabs


                          Further do what crop grower said. He won who has any actual experience with vaccines knows that they cannot possibly be 100% safe or effective. We've administered countless thousands of doses to cattle, and have seen the range of adverse effects, the anaphylactic shock, the animals that get sick promptly after, and the animals which do not derive immunity. All an acceptable risk numerically. And these are with vaccines that have been tried and proven for decades.
                          So when the media and the armchair experts on equityville started making unapprovable claims about 100% effective and 100% safe, that triggered alarm bells for anyone who is capable of critical thought. Anything that sounds too good to be true probably is.
                          I do somewhat understand why they saw the need to lie. They needed to counter the Chinese and Russian anti-vaccine propaganda which was spending like wildfire amongst the conspiracy theorists. So to reassure the low information crowd (see chuck and agstar for examples)that the vaccines were not as bad as the propaganda made them out to be, so they lied to the other extreme. Those blatant and obvious lies ruined the trust of many people in the silent center majority.
                          Meanwhile, most people with common sense realized that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. As I have been saying since the beginning, I think both sides are wrong. The vaccine isn't going to kill and sterilize the entire population, it isn't a weapon to bring on the New world order, and it also won't be nearly as safe or effective as the other side wanted it to be. For the brief period while it was very effective, it did help our healthcare system cope. And so far, statistically speaking,the unintended consequences have not been nearly as dire as the other side promised they would be.

                          The net result being that there's still a large segment of the population on each extreme which still believes the lies from both sides. And no amount of facts would ever change their minds.

                          See the post I made in the other thread regarding the birth rate now being above pre-covid levels. Obviously the vaccine did not make the entire population sterile. But I doubt that will stop the conspiracy theorists from propagating that rumor.


                            Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
                            Chuck I was with you until the last sentence when you just couldn’t help yourself, you just had to take a shot at Pierre!?
                            its a disease


                              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                              And some on the right wing would happily go back to a time before workers had any rights whatsoever.

                              Just like they think going back to the pliocene would be no problem? LOL
                              pliocene ??, What is wrong with you? , you sound like a 2 year old


                                Originally posted by caseih View Post
                                its a disease
                                more hate than a disease i think


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