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Copy and Paste.

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    Copy and Paste.

    Happy New Year to ALL!

    People that don’t like to type in the small message box to post their comments on agri-ville you can use the copy a paste method – I use this sometimes and it is very useful if you don’t have time to finish and want to add comments before posting.

    I am no computer wizard and only have windows 98 and will try and explain the procedure. ( all you young computer wizards please don’t laugh at my explanation )

    1. You can type on word pad--- Microsoft words or any normal size page or scan a page.
    2. After completing your message, hold down the Ctri key and touch the letter A key to highlight the print.
    3. Now with the print highlighted, again hold down the Ctri key and touch the letter C key--- this will copy your typed message. ( make sure you don’t hold down the letter C key because it will copy your message many times over )
    4. Close the window and it will ask if you want to save the changes ( yes )
    5. Now go to the Agri-ville web and choose the thread you want to send your comments.
    6. Now with the message box open, hold down the Ctri key and touch the letter V key and you will see your message in the box. Cool eh!!!!
    7. Read your message to make sure you didn’t copy it more than once, before it is sent.

    This is the longhand procedure, but your computer can be set up to copy and paste with one stroke of a key—do your own thing if you know how to copy a paste. Hope this will help some.

    Has anybody tried the copy and paste and does my explanation work?


      Strawboss this may be a little simpler.

      After typing your message in Msoft word all you have to do is highlight it all with your mouse and then right click.

      A menu will appear.Out of the menu click on copy.

      Go to Agri-ville or where ever you want to leave your message and right click again to bring up the menu.From the menu click paste and voila your message will appear!

      Clear as mud?


        Thanks Countryguy --- you are right there are many ways you can copy and paste, but the reason I explained one long version ( windows 98 ) because some guy asked for help, he didn’t like typing in the small message box and nobody suggested copy and paste.


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