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Papa Jean, please come home?

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    Papa Jean, please come home?

    Why is it whenever one of our politicians goes abroad suddenly he gets awful generous with our money? Just recently Chretien has been tossing some pretty healthy promises in Africa. Now you can't eat promises and old Jean is one of the best at welching on promises so maybe there is no reason for concern.
    Mulrooney did the same thing when he was PM. Maybe when they get hobnobbing with these black butchers they admire them so much for how they exploit their people, that they just can't control themselves! So cheer up all you drought stricken farmers...you are going to be allowed to buy guns for a bunch of black killers! And they will all praise Bwana Jean as the great white father and their savior!

    It's a measure of his statesmanship that he mainly deals with tinpot dictators. He's an embarassment and humiliation to this country.


      Did you hear tha the bus he was traveling on had a tire flattened by some gun toting people seeking foreign aid. I wonder if he will send Allan Rock over to help them set up a gun registery so we can finance another boondoggle?

      When asked if Jean would file an official complaint he said that was not his style. I wonder if he was hiding behind his wife's skirt again.


        Oops that's what I get for listening to CBC. After watching CTV last night it turns out it was another convoy with the news media in it that had the tire shot out


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