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Tax Season Vent

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    Tax Season Vent

    It is that time of year and I needed to take a break from all the number crunching. Thank goodness for the computer!

    In this case, most of the frustration is self created in that I didn't keep up with it throughout the year.

    However, tax season always reinforces many of the things that show up in here during the year. You see in black and white the amount you paid in taxes to the various levels of government and what little we are receiving in return. The huge waste. The lobbying of powerful groups while basics are neglected - infrastructure etc. Then there is the pull from the education and medical sectors. Our society has large expectations but in reality there truly is not enough funds.

    Anyone written to a MP or MPP lately?

    Thanks for listening! I better get back to it. ...Jensco

    LOL Jensco I know exactly what you're going through right now!I also leave my paperwork until last minute.I would sooner shovel manure than do that stuff!Every year I tell myself that next year I will be more on top of my paperwork.Funny thing is I haven't looked at anything from this year yet...


      Cheer up now. Just think of all the useless people you are keeping employed! This is your duty as a peasant of the great socialist soviet of Kanada! If not for guys like you there would be a virtual army of bums in this country! So many that we would have to hire additional people to abuse them, as old Ralph can only do so much!!!


        I'm with you Jensco. I absolutely abhor this time of year and somehow out of a two person partnership, I was the one who got stuck with this job. I believe the words were "what did I buy you for?"

        It is irksome to say the least to see our tax dollars, both provincially and federally, go for things that make absolutely no sense - like salary hikes for our overburdened MLA's/MP's. I wish we could vote to lower our own tax contributions.


          "What did I buy you for?" Are you kidding me? Hello, this is the 21st century!!!
          Now don't forget the unjustified teachers, nurses, and doctors increases Linda! Lets not just pick on a select group of parasites but get the whole works!!


            Not to worry cowman. I believe the response was something to the effect of, you haven't even made the down payment yet, let alone bought anything.

            I just resent the fact that it's me that's got to do the books. I suspect it might have something to do with the fact that I have a commerce degree and he sees that as being the commerce side of the farm. Numbers have never meant much to me - it's people that I care about.


              Doing my taxes as well!!!



                Doesn't the saying go..."Misery loves company!". Thanks for the company everyone. It helps to know that I'm not alone-in more ways than one.


                  I think Muttley summed it up best! lol


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