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Dribble banding liquid fertilizer

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    Dribble banding liquid fertilizer

    We purchased a John Deere 750 no-till drill and are looking at setting up a liquid fertilizer set-up to dribble band nitrogen between the seed rows. Trying to find out more information as to what equipment is needed and if anybody has had any luck with a system like this.

    I have used liquid fertilizer for many yrs now and have always banded it. I would be very careful with dribble banding. I am sure it would work but liquid nitrogen is very corosive. If you let the liquid dribble and it happens to splash all over your nice new seeder it will not be new for long..


      My Name is Neil Clark

      I work with a company called Valley Industries. We specialize in Liquid fertilizer systems and will have everything you need to set up your seed drill.

      I am presently in Perth but will be home the week of the 24th of Feb. Mean while you can see some of the equipment at www.valleysystems.ca
      My email address is njclark@telusplanet.net or you can contact sales@valleysystems.ca


        Liquid is nice and handy and you will probably enjoy it, but as waller said it is corrosive!!!

        We built our own distribution system for about 60% of the cost of a boughten system and the time requirement was fairly low and we were able to customize it to our tastes more exactly than commercial systems of the time.

        If you wish more info ring me at 306 962 3931 evenings



          i am also thinking of adding a liqind fertilizer attachment to a jd 1850 no till drill and am wondering if any one else has done this and with what success?


            Hello, I used liquid N for many years, but switched when I went to min till: all seed carts have a minimum of two tanks, double shuters are set-up to deliver fertilizer to the place where you want it, dry fertilizer is more concentrated then liquid, you need less trucking, storage etc. Disadvantage dry is (my opinion) less effective then liquid. Also with liquid you need to pull one more hot rot behind your tractor, back that one up!!
            I allways enjoyed liquid, but operational nessesities count too.


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