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how much is land while im asking?

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    how much is land while im asking?

    Wheat country were i farm is $200 to 300 per acre for land that prduces around 30bpa of wheat

    Your land sounds like a good deal. Most Australian farms are a lot closer to port than we are,
    East of Saskatoon good land is $400 -600 Cdn per acre. Would hope to get 35-40 bu/ac of wheat although drought ,frost and insects can lower that and has in about 3 of last 5 years.

    Approximately where are you in Australia? I loved Australia. If my wife would let me I would move there!


      southn aust.
      we are 140 km to port but many farmers are only 10 or so hence there land is more
      i should add land values have come off 10 to 15% in the last 6 months


        Got thinking about land values. Maybe I should clarify a little. $400-600/acre would buy some pretty good land in a desirable area in Saskatchewan. Good land defined as fairly flat, few rocks, few obstuctions, heavier soil etc.
        $600 would be the top of the range for most land.
        You could buy lots of land for $200-400/ac. This land could be fertrile and productive but might be sandier, a few hills, maybe a few rocks, a few trees and sloughs or simply in an area with low demand. There are getting to be quite a few areas with low demand.
        I,m talking about Saskatchewan. Alberta prices would be 2 - 3 times as much.
        According to the agency which monitors our land prices Sask. prices are steady to rising slightly. I think prices could drop here if grain prices don't improve.
        We visited some people at Murray River, S.A. Lovely place. Lovely people.


          I was in Australia, out near Warren, West of Dubbo, so a good 500-600 kilometers to port and grain land out there was selling for about that $300 range in 2001 I was told. And that is quite a lot further to port.


            i should clarify our area is quite frosty and often get production failures in wheat and canola through frost at flowering but its a one in 6 year event and in varying degrees of course we are half crop half stock for that reason
            land prices are starting to fall and as the drought in aust worsens they may fall further some are suggesting 06 is going to the big daddy of all droughts


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