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USDA Recounting Corn Acreage.

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    USDA Recounting Corn Acreage.

    why is the USDA recounting corn they say its due to weird weather and maybe all acres weren't seeded. Lower acreage will probably not effect the corn market because of higher yield potential of the 2009 crop. But will it screw the soybeans numbers since corn had to come from some were.
    Or is it a government pissing match between two gov agencies and a broke USA government fighting over some funding.
    My bet is on the later. Bureaucrats trying to keep their jobs in a new world. Satellites could track these acres. Hell US can read a licence plate from space should be able to count corn acreage.

    Maybe once they're done figuring out if those license plates belong to Democrats or Republicans they'll move on to corn and beans.


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