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Last week in June Crop Conditions?

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    Last week in June Crop Conditions?

    At the farm here is today's observations of the crop and its condition.
    Durum were spraying for leaf disease, Crop is stretching its Awesome Awesome!
    HRS early seeded and late have caught up to each other. Spraying for leaf disease since present in early HRS. Crop is Awesome.
    Oats, will be spraying for weeds and add leaf disease. Looks Awesome.
    Barley, is late but will be spraying for weeds and disease this week.
    Peas had severe frost damage, Then sprayed last week and that with heat set them back big time. Looking better but set back, Id call them SO SO. Not Excellent but not Real shitty.
    Canola severe frost for over week in crop this year. Set back really bad, We can finally see rows this weeks, you have to walk in and look on early fields that were up when frost hit, but their is rows. Odd plant that survived all frosts trying to flower. Its so so Some alright some Shitty.
    Flax and lentils are really really nice.
    Moisture conditions now excellent since weekend and the moisture levels have joined again.
    Weeds appearing in Canola again, But since crops are smaller they might have to be sprayed again.
    Looks like a week behind on Canola,peas.

    Many times we've had to seed late and conditions delayed the crop, but most times- and I say most, the crop seems to know it has to hurry up. Hope this is one of those years.


      This week I drove from S'toon to Leask and over through Battleford and Lloyd and back. The only place things looked consistently good, along the hwy anyway, was Hafford to N.B. along hwy 40. Most everywhere else cereals are only 6" high (and I think the old lady would question my assesment of 6") and already 2 or 3 tillers. As far as the canola goes, reports are that the cut worms are starving to death inbetween plants.


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