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sunspot activity effects on crop yield

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    sunspot activity effects on crop yield

    This might not be marketing but what the hell. Sorry you will have to cut and paste this cause I dont know how to do links


    I found this link and am trying to remember? More sunspots means warmer season? Less means cool (and presumably wet?)
    Seems I remember somebody here saying there was a correlation between sunspot activity and crop yields worldwide? Cool season will help some areas but up here frost is always an issue.

    Sunspot activity has a greater influence than anything we can do to alter climate. At the worst decrease in sunspot activity could mean another ice age. At best it could mean cooling conditions , lost production and mass starvation. There is a reason the ancients worshipped the sun. I have been reading warnings about sunspot activity decreases since last fall.


      I thought that sunspots were areas on the surface of the sun that is cooler which seems kind of contradictory to the data.


        We need some mass starvation to reduce ever-growing world obesity, and especially if we can coincide it with al gore's global warming, enabling world-wide taxation measures that will reduce both of the above, as well as your pocket book.


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