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First Argentina now Brazil

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    First Argentina now Brazil

    Here on Monday the USDA finally reported that Argentina will have a very poor crop of soybeans. Here is a article from Brazil you judge.
    Soybean harvest of RS may have larger losses

    The professor and columnist for the UnijuĂ­ Portal Agrolink, Dr. Luis Brum Argemiro draws attention to the projections of the soybean crop for the Rio Grande do Sul, according to him, "we found estimates ranging from 9.5 million tons to 8 million tons for the final production. " the expert says that information directly from the field does not confirm the earlier estimates. "They are disappointing in many localities. Thus, it appears that the average decline from the originally expected production and what is actually harvested, can reach 12.5%, with possibilities, after the drought in March, to drop between 20% and 30% for crops of medium and late cycle ", highlights Brum.
    Funny I am starting to get Bullish for this year. But our problem could be weather. REALLY cold spring, run off will be none, good sloughs will be seeded. All way to Kamsack can see fields with very little snow cover. So is this setting up for a poor weather year for Northern part of Canada's grain growing area. Lots of snow south of the Red Coat trail.

    Also Argentina has removed its estimates. Last night cool in China again. Gets me wondering why CANADA has to tell the world when we have a good crop or a disaster,yet every other country just gives out Smoke and Mirror reports that suit their farmers and countries bank books.


      Interesting to note the weather in china,is that what is driving canola higher? Where did you pick up that info? Thanks


        Sorry that should effect wheat just was trying to show little white lies some countries tell for their own good


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