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    “Former Premier Jacques Parizeau applauded without reservation Gilles Duceppe and the Bloc Québécois’s recent “impressive victory” in forming a coalition government in Ottawa.” --
    Journal de Montreal, December 3, 2008

    and looking back a bit

    “A weaker government in Ottawa is eminently satisfying. It’s not in the best interest of sovereignists that many people still consider Ottawa as a stable and serious government. The image must be one of a weak, disoriented government, which will become weaker and more disoriented in the future. This is perfect.”

    -- Le Soleil, January 19, 1991

    A real nice, moderate, inclusive guy this Parizeau is. A great Canadian.


    In the concession speech given by Parti Québécois Premier Jacques Parizeau after narrowly losing 50.58% to 49.42% in the 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty, he blamed the defeat on "money and the ethnic vote" (l'argent puis des votes ethniques) and called on Quebec sovereignists to adopt a strategy of gearing their efforts only towards <b>white</b> French-speaking Quebecers in future referendum campaigns.



      MONTREAL — Former Parti Quebecois leader Jacques Parizeau says he’s delighted and very satisfied with the Bloc Quebecois’ decision to join a coalition that could form the next federal government in Ottawa.

      In an interview with the Journal de Montreal published Wednesday, Mr. Parizeau praises Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe for his “impressive victory,” in prying enough concessions out of the coalition of the New Democratic Party and Liberals to agree to back them.

      His comments reflect those of the current PQ leader Pauline Marois who is using the crisis to advance her own cause in the provincial election campaign. She says the agreement allows Quebec to get $1-billion in equalization payments it would not have otherwise had. On the other hand, Ms. Marois also says the crisis shows the Canadian federation no longer functions and Quebec should separate.

      But as the spiritual leader of the PQ hard line, Mr. Parizeau’s comments can only help Ms. Marois stir PQ supporters to vote for her.

      “This victory sweeps aside any hesitation Quebecers might have had on the presence of the Bloc in Ottawa,” Mr. Parizeau said.

      Even the presence of Liberal leader Stephane Dion, an old political foe of the sovereignty movement, does not bother Mr. Parizeau.

      “We have to be pragmatic and understand Mr. Dion is there for a mere five months,” Mr. Parizeau told the newspaper in a telephone interview.

      Now he urges Quebecers to get out and vote for the PQ Dec. 8 to “create a team able to defend Quebec’s interests solidly and without compromise.”

      Ms. Marois, who is campaigning Wednesday in Montreal, is expected to react to the powerful endorsement at a news conference.
      The blessing from Mr. Parizeau comes as internal PQ polling shows the crisis in Ottawa and the decision to portray the Bloc’s decision as a victory appeals to francophone Quebecers.

      PQ insiders said Tuesday evening that Liberal leader Jean Charest’s decision to not comment on the crisis seems to be aiding the campaign.

      “I think we are nibbling away [at the Liberal lead],” one top PQ official said.

      PQ officials believe Mr. Charest is not talking about the crisis because he believes it will only reinforce doubts among francophone voters about his leadership.

      Montreal Gazette


        The Coalition signed their agreement and it was blessed by Parizeau, "In the name of the Dion, the Layton and the holy Duceppe. Ahmen."


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