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    CLOSING IN!!!!

    Wheat is on a tear and has spent very few days at this level in the past.

    CP, me thinks I've lost my bet with you on wheat prices. I believe the day of reconning is July 31! I suppose I could hope for a $1.00/bu. drop between now and then but I don't think it's gonna happen.

    How do I pay off the wager? What libations do you prefer?

    E-mail me at lee.melvill@gov.ab.ca .



      Dont worry about it,next time i pass through brooks(is it brooks) you can buy me a drink at the pub and we'll talk some shop.


        CP, I never like weltch (spelling?) on a bet. Never. It's bad for the reputation and mine's bad enough already.

        Yup, I'm in Brooks. Make sure you do stop in. I'd enjoy the visit and the libations.


          "weltch" is spelled 'welch'.


            SRWW here is at $205/tonne for delivery today, sold a bunch yesterday for 2008 at $185. Got a couple of friends who've booked wheat all the way out to 2011, thinking strongly about it myself. Wishing I had more beans in and less corn so more wheat could go in this fall.


              2011!!!!-you just made me spit beer all over my computer screen.
              I didnt even know you could do that.
              Talk about being short.

              Are you an american farmer dalek?

              Fran,(in my best jim carrey's voice from the movie"lemony snickets series of unfortunate events"-"THAAAANNNNKKKK YOU FOR CORRECTING ME"



                DaleK is from Ontario... !

                Is the Ontario Wheat Board involved?

                I think we should subcontract our CWB Mangement out from the Ontario Wheat Board to end the inbred/backbred ideas and lite a big fire under those guys in Winterpeg!

                Sharing sales management decisions with the CWB is like sharing a rare t-bone steak with a grizzly bear! TITANIUM PROTECTION NEEDED!


                  Tom remembers well, I'm from Ontario, but it's not through the board, strictly through the elevator. We can contract 5 years out. I'm sure 2011's nowhere near $205 but still pretty profitable at any projected COP.

                  Have no idea what prices are through the OWPMB, haven't checked for years.


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