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Question for Tom4 and others

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    Question for Tom4 and others

    Several years ago the cwb and the liberals lost an important court case. Ralph Goodale rammed through new legislation to get around the loss and protect the cwb.. What was the case and how does it affect us today? If anyone can remember please respond.

    I believe the last name of the guy was Sawatsky(I could be wrong). He won the case. That very afternoon Goodale announced the changes which closed the loophole so no one else could duplicate the action. What was bizarre was that the change was to the customs act or regulations. How does the minister of Agriculture have power over customs?

    The point though is that even if the board and their buddies have some kind of a technicality, which I doubt they have, the government can quickly and easily make the necessary change so that we're back on track.


      "The CWB act clearly states that the cwb can only sell grain once it has been offered by farmers."

      That's interesting now isn't it?


        The cwb is in tough on this one. They hopelessly underpriced the barley and now want someone else to pay. We've been paying with lower than normal returns for far too long. Legal action only proves what will come out in the {wash}news when the books are looked at. Liberals and Ndp don't really care about agriculture or farmers in general,-just the jobs we create for the economy.


          Yeah, Sawatsky was a trucker pretending to be a farmer scamming grain across the border for his own gain.


            >scamming grain across the border<

            Yea, grain the cwb told producers was worthless, take it to a slough & dispose of it.


              Yup, the wheat board motto is to buy low, sell lower and cry to the feds for a hand out ala the current malt barley boondoggle.

              Couldn't have anyone doing the opposite now could we.


                Almost immediately after the court acquited Sawatsky, Goodale made an addition to the CWB Regulations requiring exporters to provide a copy of the export licence to Customs.

                Anyone wanting the exact wording can find it on-line. A couple of interesting points. The 20 some farmers in Regina were basically acquited on the same basis because they had exported before Goodale's loophole plugging.

                Interestingly, Dave Sawatsky tried to block Goodale from making the Regulation change in court.

                This is the same thing the CWB and their "friendrells" are now trying to do.

                The problem for Sawatsky and now the CWB, is that the CWB Act is full of the words:

                "The Governor in Council may make Regulations....."

                Oh what words!

                Agstar, you had better intervene, using your own money, and straighten out the Courts who are always following what statutes say, and may not know that farmers such as yourself are now in control, instead of the federal government.

                Inform the courts, agatar, inform the courts, that farmers have taken over.

                Uninformed judges just following the law don't know what your rules are!




                  You are right, Goodale changed the CWB Regulations with an Order in Council... without any waiting or comment period. He required an Export License be given to Customs before leaving Canada.

                  Agstar77 is treding on mighty thin ice on why Dave did what he did... to help other growers try to eek out a living from fusarium damaged grain... as was said they were told to burn it and that it was worthless. Meanwhile Manitoba Pool, and several other grain handlers made many millions off the backs of growers who couldn't afford to take less than fair market value.

                  It is very interesting that Agstar77 would back CWB Agents instead of growers like Dave and those fighting to get every last cent back to growers who were being taken advantage of!

                  THis is the TRUE beginning of the CWB monopoly "Single DEsk", it did not exist before Goodale did the Order in COuncil! Lorne Hein stated as much in the early 90's in the Western Producer when he said he couldn't do any thing about growers crossing the US Border with their own produce.

                  Dave and his family would be as furious, as I am disappointed; in the low cheap shot and misrepresentation Agstar77 just posted. These comments don't heal or help those who lost almost everything fighting the injustice. It never was the money... and Agstar77 knows it!



                    Would you allow a ten year old boy to drive your old rusty pick up truck down a busy highway...?

                    I recall reading a story in the newspaper about 7 or 8 years ago about an anti-cwb trucker from Manitoba that was alledged of this crime.

                    Do you know what ever happened to him? I hope he and his family are doing ok now.


                      the poeple that persold a crop without a contract to deliver should be held accountable. The CWB thinks that we are a sacrafical lamb and will take any price that gets thrown or way. Maybe let the CWB supporters deliver the grain to make up this shortfall NOT ME!


                        I don't have a rusty pick-up truck, my boys are not ten years old, and I have no idea about what you are talking about.

                        As irrelevant and as far away from the original question as ever Benny.



                          Question for you:

                          Have you or your family NEVER done something risky and foolish out on the highway... that risked others lives and property?

                          Hind Sight is always 20 20... and if we are sensitive we can all find a point where we can look back and say: "That was Stupid".

                          Most times we are given the grace and mercy to get away with such actions without severe consequences... at times it does not happen and someone gets hurt badly or dies.

                          Sadly even this has happened with the CWB... and if we don't LEARN from our mistakes... we earn the right to be taken apart piece by piece and buried!

                          We Harvest what we sow... and at times we don't even understand what we were sowing... till long after the harvest of unitended consequences caught up with someone somewhere!


                            TOM4CWB: "We Harvest what we sow... and at times we don't even understand what we were sowing... till long after the harvest of unitended consequences caught up with someone somewhere!"---TOM4CWB

                            How true...after we have destroyed our "farmer controlled" marketing agency, the CWB, perhaps reality will set in and western Canadian farmers will realize what a terrible loss it was.

                            "We never miss the singing until the birds are gone"---from "The Garden of My Heart".


                              Buzzards don't sing.



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