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JULY 5 1937

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    JULY 5 1937

    The highest temp ever recorded in Canada hit Yellowgrass SK-46 degrees(20 miles from us).

    My grandad said he was out digging fence posts and when he came in at noon the family was in the basement.His dad then gave him the rest of the day off.

    And i bitch about digging posts at 21 degrees in the shade.

    Don't tell Al Gore.


      The news paper clipping I have states that"the all time Canadian high of 45 degrees Celsius, that was set at Midale and Yellow Grass, Sask. on July 5, 1937."

      The article goes on to say "the record heat wave for Manitoba and Saskatchewan, which occurred in Chaplin in 1894. Starting July 4 that year, temperatures stayed above 30 degrees Celsius for 27 days in a row, followed by another 23 days starting August 8."

      Could global warming have started in 1894?


        Just think, if they had Live Earth concerts in 1894 they could have saved the world by now.....


          One thing that annoys me with all you global warming theory critics is your simplistic attitude to it. No-one ever said that global warming would mean everywhere just getting warmer and warmer. If you have read anything of the theory you would know that it's most likely outcome is predicted to be wildly fluctuating weather - rain, hail, heat accompanied by a gradual warming of the average temperatures. That certainly looks to be happening. Laughing that global warming can't be occurring because it gets to -42c or 45c in Xtown SK for one day in the year is just childish nonsense.


            Yes, you can always counter a simplistic explanation by saying "well, its a very complicated issue" but not actually explaining anything.


              I wasn't trying to explain global warming merely point out how ridiculous the argument is that a few cool or hot days mean global warming isn't happening. I'll let you read up on the topic on your own time.



                I believe the issue iteslf, Global Warming... is a matter of conscience.

                If we are really Conservative at heart... we will take every effort to conserve energy... be responsible stewards of the resourses we have been trusted with... and share our prosperity with those less fortunate around the globe that are our neighbours!

                All this can be done with personal responsiblity and respect and the drivers of our actions.

                Both sides of this "debate" are guilty of putting forward issues that truly are "red herrings" and prove nothing.

                Perhaps those in the "Global Warming" debate intentinally are "Baiting" folks to expose selfish or hypocritical beliefs that are not respectful or helpful to creating a better planet to live on?


                  I would like to agree with your speech and principles Tom but unfortunately the reality is somewhat different. I guess there can't be too many "Conservatives at heart" out there because from where I stand it looks like we are making little or no effort to conserve energy, responsible stewardship of our resources is a joke and sharing our prosperity with those less fortunate around the globe isn't going great either.


                    Actually when you look back through history the warmer periods were also the ones in which the weather was most stable and humanity prospered .

                    From 200 BC to AD 600 was the Roman warming

                    600 to 900 AD the dark ages cold period

                    900 to 1300 the Medival Warming or Little Climate Optimum

                    Followed by the Little Ice Age from 1300 to 1850

                    Cooler periods such as the little ice age in Europe had the kind unstable weather patterns described in the above post.



                      I can only be responsible for my own actions. I believe personal responsibility is the optimum way to get the most efficient change for those willing to meet the challenge and live up to the responsibility.

                      FOR others not willing to live by this code of ethics, they will reap what they sow.

                      I can hope that we will encourage our neighbours in the best possible methods to conserve... leading by example is always the first opportunity to stand and be counted!


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