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BARLEY... Nov. 6/06 Remember this?

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    BARLEY... Nov. 6/06 Remember this?


    How could any business read this news, then book barley for 07-08 with the CWB and actually expect the CWB to actually deliver? THey would have had to have been living on another planet!

    IF CWB DIRECTORS election results had been different... the monopoly could have been dismantled by Jan 1 07!

    CWB Bulletin
    November 6, 2006

    The Bulletin

    At a glance

    The CWB has released its formal response to Minister Strahl's hand-picked
    task force on marketing choice. The CWB concludes: "It is poor and
    irresponsible policy to strip an internationally recognized,
    farmer-controlled organization of its market power, propose to replace it
    with some minor entity that is intended to take on transnationals, but with
    severe structural and capital disadvantages, and then tell farmers it is
    their own fault when it fails." The full CWB response is posted on the CWB
    Web site under Hot Topics.
    The CWB submitted to the federal government on Friday a recommendation for
    further increases to 2006-07 initial payments for wheat, durum, feed and
    designated barley. Adjustment payments announced Oct. 27 were based on
    Aug. 31 recommendations from the CWB and do not reflect the current market
    Ian McCreary, CWB director, and Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, president of the
    Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, will participate in a panel
    discussion on the CWB Nov. 7 at the Saskatchewan Association of Rural
    Municipalities (SARM) midterm convention in Saskatoon.
    With malting barley in short supply this year, farmers are reminded of the
    importance of fulfilling their CWB contracts. On selected barley, there are
    two major consequences for defaulting: 1) At the request of selectors,
    farmers will pay liquidated damages ranging from $6 to $25 a tonne;
    2) Farmers will lose accumulated storage payments, which are three cents per
    tonne per day for the first 120 days, five cents for days 121 to 180 and nine
    cents for day 181 and on.
    The CWB will have booths at Red Deer Agri-Trade Nov. 8-11, and at Harvest
    Showdown in Yorkton, Nov. 9-11. Farmers are invited to drop by with questions
    or to sign up a contract.
    A course entitled "CWB Grain Marketing Options and Introduction to Grain
    Grading for Farm Women" is being offered Nov. 8-9 at Lakeland College in
    Vermilion, AB. For details or to register, call 1-800-661-6490.
    CWB offices will be closed Nov. 13 for the Remembrance Day statutory holiday.

    The House of Commons passed a concurrence motion Nov. 1 stating:
    "that the government prior to any legislative or regulatory action affecting
    the mandate of the Canadian Wheat Board as it is currently constituted under
    the Canada Wheat Board Act, submit through plebiscite to all those eligible
    to vote in Canadian Wheat Board elections, a clear and direct question asking
    whether those eligible to vote support or oppose the single desk selling
    provisions of the Canadian Wheat Board." All three opposition parties
    unanimously supported the motion. The government voted against it."

    My understanding is that there is very little - if any - 07-08 crop year malt barley on the books with the CWB. The issue is old crop and the potential to drag it into the new crop year - post Aug 1.



      Going back to November 2006, why would anyone book barley purchases with the CWB? For one reason only....they were the only game in town. It was not until March 28, 2007 that the Minister announced that choice would be coming in August of 2007. Until then, it had to be business as usual. No choice.


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