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Good-bye AU

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    Good-bye AU

    SWP will now own most of the assets of AU as a result of a 20.50 all cash bid. Let the closures and lay-offs begin!

    Fairwell trucking premiums. Hello higher elevation charges.


      what will happen to the grain services union. Will they double in size with the take over or will they become defunct if the A.U. employees decide they don't want to be in a colective.
      Is this not what happened when Agricore merged with UGG.
      Thier man on the Radio thought they would sign up many of the new employee's but a freind at the local A.U. thinks that there is no way it will happen.


        For six months the fight for AU has gone on, sooner or later some one was to come out on top. As to layoffs? in the country hard to say, I doubt closures either, why? they did a great job of cutting up AU between Cargill and JRI. Actually put a new competitor in my area (now with in 40 mile radius I have a bigger JRI, AgPro, Cargill two maltsters and Luis Dryfess with in 120 miles). Competition just increased with more chances of incentives to haul to whom ever if they want the grain.
        Most likely middle and upper management and head office will take the hit job wise. Funny, Minister Wolchuk in MB fought for the rights for the employees at the CWB, what about the ones at AU? just down the street?
        But then again AU was always for choice, and farmers freedom, most likely didn't support financially the NDP government to garner the support like the CWB has.


          agstar 77,

          I presume you know something we don't.

          Are they using the same closure team designating which raft of schools in Saskatchewan will be closed, as announced yesterday?

          Now there's a REAL problem for rural Saskatchewan



            And good riddance!


              Here's a possible upside. Maybe we could have a functioning flax market again. It's widely known in the trade that AU merchants liked to throw their weight around and were mostly responsible for the drop in liquidity of WCE flax futures. If they're gone from the scene, maybe that market can be revived. Here's hoping. Maybe even a pea futures contract would work this time.


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