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Wayne Easter The cod fisheries need you

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    Wayne Easter The cod fisheries need you

    I'm reading tonight's paper and a canadian press article on Strahl delaying barley plebiscite. It goes on to say that Strahl wasn't happy with the requirement that farmer's declare their acreage and tonnage for the last 5 years. Common sense that if you want farmers to return a ballot you don't ask him to spend time digging back in his files. Now Mr Easter steps in sure that the Minister is making more changes to get the vote he wants. Quote from Wayne Easter. While the original question would have meant more work for farmers it would have ensured that only farmers who have a real stake in the outcome could participate. This is the same Wayne Easter who jumped all over the Conservatives for changing the eligibility for voters for the wheat board director elections. The very same changes that meant that actual live producers who grew a crop(ones who have a real stake) were the ones eligible to vote. This is also the same Liberal government that crafted the Wheat Board election process to include interested third parties.Believe me Wayne, I don't think you want to know the views of those who have the most at stake in the vote.Your credibility was suspect to start with, it's even lower now. If you don't understand the issue and your not from the designated area instead of bothering use why don't you practice how to permanently get your foot in your mouth and then keep it there.

    My aunt grows some wheat in her garden for weaving.Should she not have a vote?Where would you people stop?This is a democracy.Everybody equal.THe cwb is like another level of govt.Farmers are kind of a nation.Everyone gets to choose our chief and council.Afterall is the grain our band property or not?


      You miss the point. Wayne Easter's recent comments totally contradict what he has said earlier. All farmers who grow the crop in question should have a vote. Please define a farmer. To me that is someone who is actively participating in the business of farming and who gains some economic remumeration for his production. To me this is not a landlord whether he has crop share or not. It is also not someone who no longer grows the grain or in the case of CWB elections delivers grain to the CWB.MR Easter is not interested who gets to vote. He is interested in setting the rules of the plebisite to get the result he wants.The Liberals are no different than the Conservatives when they were in power. It was easy for the Liberals because they wanted to maintain the status quo.If you read the hansard from parliament when there is discussion re the CWB it becomes obvious that the politicians outside the designated area are only really concerned about how it might effect their own riding. Loss of Churchill, loss of jobs in Winnipeg, Threat of supply management in Quebec. The other thing that is obvious is that they will all toe the line behind Mr. Easter and Mr. Goodale.


        winwin, i think you aunt should do the right thing and turn herself in to the cwb authorities, that is if I assume correctly that she did not get a buyback from the CWB to use the wheat in her weaving activities...or was it domestic feed wheat?, if it made milling grade she broke the law you know? ...if she did not follow the rules she could be jailed like those that sold a bag of wheat to the 4Hers from Montana...once in jail she could have a hard time getting a ballot......LOL!!!!


          North speaking of jail,apenitentiary is anexcellent model for how to run an industry.Walls all around so yuo can then control what goes on inside.What to do,when todo it,what to eat,if toeat.Without the walls around how could the cwb operate a pool,tell us when to deliver,grades,how/if we get paid.Their pricing programs are an example of how you might vary the menu inside a prison.We need more walls for other crops.Higher walls.Look what happaned to the proletariet of eastern Europe when the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain were destroyed by the capitalists.It could happen here.


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