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I am Voting with my Dril!

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    I am Voting with my Dril!

    I have come to one conclusion in Canada where all we here from the big shots (Ag Canada,Saskag and food etc)is don't worry we will look after you. Well for years I bought in to this BS and have finally came to my wits end and seen the light. This spring we will be dropping all CWB grain and contracting all crops. Waiting to see how someone else has done just doesn't cut it any more. Big wages for middle men to take their share all the way down to pennies to the farmers. So lets get this show on the go

    I am voting with my Drill!

    The End of the CWB our way one acre at a time!

    question how will you cashflow this operation eg have you got delivery early or do you have incrimental selling stratagies, will you be going with A.U's off Board malt barley program. Or do you have acess to ethanol,hogs, chickens, feedlots , feedmills and just grow the quantity/starch not protein like the market seems to be paying for?
    I'm not being a smart alec just thinking along the same lines.


      I agree its more planning but we do it with Canola Flax Oats and Peas. so adding Barley and wheat shouldn't be any different. Its all possible if one tries hard enough. Trusting the CWB to get the job done has been proven this year.



        What we are moving to here... is a relationship based value chain... where the people you sell to are strong enough, and good enough marketers... who have ethics and integrity. TRUST... and Performance that brings true value... will yeild prosperity.

        Canada is know as one of the least dependable suppliers.

        If you went to the grocery store for milk... there was none... and they told you to buy oranges instead... you would likely go to a different store the next time.

        Therefore, when I need milk, I will sometimes pay 50% more for it... if it is delivered exactly when I need it... if it is fresh... and of good quality!

        Our business is no different. Hard work, built on trust and special relationships... can bring rewards where the "Law of one Price" dare not tred.

        This does not happen over night obviously... it is "good will" built up over years... and it takes hard work and innovation to build these loyal relationships.

        My partner in the Value chain... knows I would do every honourable thing possible... to fulfill my commitment to them. THis brings loyalty... which partners will pay a premium to become a linked to; dependable production of safe, high quality produce!


          Tom its simple the 20% of us that grow 80% of the crops quit seeding CWB crops the CWB would end on its own very fast.
          Any way I bought out one vote for the CWB yesterday so I did my part.


            Saskfarmer3 I agree with you, and I think you hit on a novel idea !

            The 20 % of you ; stop growing CWB crops and that will end all this bickering and useless waste of time.

            You'll be happier , I'll be happier
            Maybe Chuck would have to actually do some work For agriculture ,
            Rather than simply being Minister Against The Wheat Board.


              Mustard man, better get your facts straight it's going to be closer to 50/50 split.

              Like Bennyhin, and Wilagro say, It's only the "Big Farms", in favor of Dual Market. So like I told them if the "Big Farms" pull their acres, you Single Desk Supporters are screwed!!

              Ahahahahhahahahhahaha!!!(in the words of Wilagro!!!)


                Snappy which is it?
                Saskfarmer says 20% of farmers grow 80% of grain and you are saying 50% of farmers grow 50% of grain??

                You boys better get together on your numbers or we'll send in the audit team
                HA HA


                  Musrardman, I do have my facts straight. I meant the vote is going to be a 50/50 split. And if thats the case that only the "Big Farms" want out(according to Benny & Wilagro) then you do the math.

                  Here I'll do it for you, seeing how you need the help. You guys claim only the "Big Boys" want out. Right?? So for just the sake of argument, the CWB has 100000acres of Malt Barley(and I know this isn't the real number, so calm down)and if the vote is 50/50 against/for, and us "Big Farmers" make up the most of those acres, and if we pull our acres you're screwed right?? Because the CWB can't market without all the production grown right??(remember you guys keep preaching this to us)so, if they need all production and the vote is a Dual Market, the CWB is screwed. Right?? If we pull our acres they can't survive without our grain Right?? So once again your screwed!!!

                  And if you think I'm full of S**t, ask your local SAAN store how they're doing since WAL-MART moved in!! Gotta love the power in numbers!!


                    Cannot really say voting with my drill because I know including myself that have used the marketting plan to grow the least amount of CWB grains possible to my advantage over the last 6 years. Now I am thinking to grow CWB grains not because of I like the CWB or am in favour of the monopoly, actually I am against the monopoly. Us farmers are facing a great unknown this year. to many acres of some products means lower prices and no profits that is just the law of supply and demand. The CWB poor marketting performance may provide opportunity the next year. My cerial grains are still undecided along with 99 percent of all you other farmers. I just wish wheat was on the ballot this year so that I can try export my grain myself , I know what malt and wheat is worth in China, so what is wrong with me exporting a container or two?


                      For me shipping with containers is easy, have cleaning equipment scales etc plus distance to track container yard is minimal. As farmers we need change.


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