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CFA Position on CWB Barley Vote Question

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    CFA Position on CWB Barley Vote Question

    The question is the key.

    (OTTAWA) – CFA is thanking the federal government for setting in motion a vote for western barley producers on single-desk marketing. Now, with two weeks left before ballots are mailed, the key to a clear mandate on the future of western grains marketing is a clear question. CFA supports the proposed questions put forward by western farm organizations.

    “If the government intends to move forward in allowing all barley producers to vote then it is extremely important the question appearing on the ballot be absolutely clear,” said Bob Friesen, CFA President. “The question must not mislead producers into thinking that a single desk marketing system can co-exist with an open market system.”

    CFA wants to ensure the question put to producers clearly distinguishes the two potential outcomes: the continuation of single desk marketing under the CWB or the elimination of single desk marketing and a switch to an open market.

    The plebiscite question proposed by western farm organizations gives farmers two choices:

    A) I wish to maintain the ability to market all barley, both malting and food, with the continuing exception of feed barley sold domestically, through the CWB single desk system.

    B) I wish to remove the single desk marketing system from the CWB and sell all barley through an open market system.

    CFA feels a question formulated along these lines would give farmers a clear choice, and the results of the vote would therefore represent a clear mandate on how the government should proceed with regards to how western grains farmers market their product in the future.

    “If the question posed to farmers is confusing, or if it creates ambiguity about what the outcome of the vote will be - single desk or open market - then the plebiscite will be tainted and we will not be in a position to say a clear mandate has been achieved,” said Friesen.

    CFA also welcomes Minister Strahl’s commitment that no changes will be made to the western wheat marketing system without first holding a vote among wheat producers.


    Founded in 1935 to provide Canada's farmers with a single voice in Ottawa, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture is the country's largest farmers' organization. Its members include provincial general farm organizations as well as national and inter-provincial commodity organizations from every province. Through its members, CFA represents over 200,000 Canadian farmers and farm families.

    Kieran Green, CFA Communications Coordinator, (613) 236-3633 info@cfafca.ca
    Bob Friesen, CFA President, (204) 724-0824 (cell)
    Justin To, CFA Executive Director, (613) 236-3633

    said Bob Friesen, CFA President. “The question must not mislead producers into thinking that a single desk marketing system can co-exist with an open market system.”

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we have something resembling dual marketing in feed barley now?


      No we don't, CWB controls all export sales for feed, period...And domestically it does not get involved with selling to end-users. There is a clear line in the sand and no arbitrage opportunity for anyone...except grain companies that can buy some of both and preferentially ship to the lowest net freight cost destination so long as the CWB is not negatively impacted by incurring a higher freight cost...as a farmer do I care what they do with it, no, but I sure would like to see a piece of that value through a better bid. Grain companies can't really plan those gains or offer a better bid because the CWB does not offer any incentive or even sales info to make the most of the opportunity...at least that's what I've been told.


        It's time for the CFA to quit waffling. If as they state you can not have both a single desk and an open market then you have only one clear question to ask. Do you want the CWB to market all your barley under a single desk or do you want to market your barley under an open market. The current recommended question opens up a whole series of other possible questions. Maybe we can decide that malt can be open market domestically and CWB export market.Maybe we can have a continental open barley market and CWB export control outside of North America.The CFA is no better than the goverment because both sides want the question that will give them the result they want.


          When I'm out to dinner, maybe you'd better revisit your statement.

          FarmRanger:You're bet you're right. We do have a dual market.

          Joedales: The CFA should crawl back in their Easter-hole.




            I think the question should be binding, and be this,

            I choose to sell all my barley through the CWB for the next 5 years; or

            I choose to sell my barley to any buyer... including the CWB if they offer me the highest price.

            Then a signature on the ballot witnessed by a Commissioner of oaths.

            How many folks would vote for the "single desk" then?

            This insanity is sick...

            It is OK to force your neighbours to do something you wouldn't dream of doing yourself... if that stops them from prospering.

            Jealousy... is a cruel beast!


              Easter hole, that's fargen funny.


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