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Important Announcement - Agri-ville.com

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    Important Announcement - Agri-ville.com

    Dear Agri-ville.com Members and Visitors,

    Effective January 1, 2007 access to Agri-ville.com will no longer be available.

    We have appreciated your participation and the opportunity to provide this online community - Agri-ville.com to you for the past 10 years, but we are no longer able to continue maintaining this website.

    We believe in the Agri-ville.com concept and the value the Agri-ville.com community offers its members.

    If you or anyone you know is interested in acquiring Agri-ville.com please send your contact information to mayor@agri-ville.com.

    It has been a great educational 10 years and we thank everyone of you.


    Agri-ville.com (Since 1996)

    Maybe some of you can get back to work then!

    Seriously, if no one picks it up, it'll be missed. entertaining and educating. Too bad.


      First of all, a sincere thank you to all the sponsors of Agri-ville. Your financial committment has made it one of the best farmer-participant websites.

      Secondly, thank you to all the folks working on the site, making it attractive, functional and so very user-friendly.

      The farm community has actively responded to agri-ville and and many will sorely miss reading the comments and infomation between hauling loads of grain.

      Thank you for a job very well done.



        Thanks to the operators over the years, now I'll have to spend more time working. Does anyone know of a comparable site that we can move to?


          I thank you for the forum.

          my kids will thank you for taking it down.

          my Dr. will thank you my decrease in blood pressure.


            Sections 3, 6 and 18 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act state:

            Duty to comply

            3.12 (2) The directors and officers of the Corporation shall comply with this Act, the regulations, the by-laws of the Corporation and any directions given to the Corporation under this Act.

            6(1)(j) to act as agent for or on behalf of any minister or agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada in respect of any operations that it may be directed to carry out by the Governor in Council

            Directions by Governor in Council

            18. (1) The Governor in Council may, by order, direct the Corporation with respect to the manner in which any of its operations, powers and duties under this Act shall be conducted, exercised or performed.


            (1.1) The directors shall cause the directions to be implemented.....


              1. Read what the CWB Act says.

              2. Read what the Ritter/Measner Board cops say.
              3. Contrast the two.

              Do you believe the Act or the Board cops?

              This is like listening to Canada's top RCMP yesterday explaining how he needed to say his words more carefully.

              Maybe this Board-Cop-Team can apply to the RCMP for Duo-CEO duties.

              They are well qualified.



                Question number one would be what does it cost to run this website per month?

                Could the mayor provide a figure?

                One alternative might be to start a weblog featuring a few of agriville's more prominent contributors. Kind of like small dead animals but with an agricultural bent.

                Would anyone be interested in that?



                  In Fact this since 1998 is a hybred... must take instructions from the Gov. but can make some decisions itself beyond the governments instructions.


                    Canadian Wheat Board Dispute Causes Concerns For Customers

                    WINNIPEG (Dow Jones)--An ongoing dispute between the Canadian Wheat Board and the federal government is hurting the grain marketing agency’s reputation with its international customers, said President and CEO Adrian Measner during a teleconference from Ottawa Tuesday.

                    Measner was in Ottawa, with CWB board chair Ken Ritter, to meet with the House Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food. However, the meeting was canceled without any explanation.

                    The government is attempting to end the CWB’s current monopoly on the marketing of western Canadian wheat and barley. The CWB, meanwhile, maintains that farmers should be the ones to determine the future of the company. The growing rift between the CWB and Canada’s minority Conservative government was recently highlighted by a letter sent to Measner from Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl which was seen as a letter of termination by the CWB.

                    As the political drama continues, the CWB is still working at meeting its sales commitments and booking new sales.

                    “There isn’t a customer that I meet with that we don’t spend over half of the meeting talking about (the current dispute). They’re trying to understand where their business partner is going to be two or three years down the road,“ said Measner. “They appreciate doing business with us and they appreciate doing business with Canada. And it does have an impact on our reputation.“

                    Measner said customers “are wondering why this is happening, and where it is going to end up. I think the sooner this can be brought to a conclusion, the better.“

                    On Monday, the CWB filed an application in federal court for a review of the federal order in council issued in October prohibiting the CWB from advocating for the retention of its single desk.

                    On Tuesday, Measner and Ritter both extended an olive branch of sorts to the government, asking Strahl to join them in determining where the legal grounds lie with respect to the control of the CWB, saying that the current air of hostility and animosity was not beneficial to farmers. Ritter pointed out that under the CWB Act, the board is to manage and control the organization, but the Minister also has his own directive power, which is creating some of the current uncertainty.

                    “This is not about me, this is all about farmers and their right to work together to ensure their economic well being,“ added Measner.

                    Source: Phil Franz-Warkentin, Dow Jones Newswires 204-947-1700 resnews@compuserve.com



                      The CWB itself is creating the uncertainty.

                      If the CWB would be part of the transition team... and negotiate in good faith... no customer would even have cause to question the delivery of products they would like to purchase.

                      On the other hand... if the CWB wants to go into a 3 year supply agreement to tie up my wheat... I object.

                      The CWB has no right to any wheat or barley unless it has been offered to the CWB under section 32 of the CWB Act.

                      This extends only to "A" series 2006 contracts. According to the CWB offer to only accept 80% of this series... the CWB has ample supply to meet all of their customer needs for CWRS and Durum.

                      Obviuosly the CWB is blowing smoke.


                        Measner said customers “are wondering why this is happening, and where it is going to end up. I think the sooner this can be brought to a conclusion, the better.“

                        #1, I'm curious to know what customers he is refering to? Is he refering to the ones that live in a bubble, and haven't been aware that this has been an issue for a very long time and were't aware of the Consevatives promise to end the buying monopoly?

                        #2 I wonder what Bubble Boy Measner is telling these customers who also must live in a bubble? I wonder if these customers are aware of what is going on Australia?

                        #3 Can Measner be trusted to honestly reflect a customers concern?

                        “This is not about me, this is all about farmers and their right to work together to ensure their economic well being,“ added Measner.

                        Adrian, you lying SOB, this about, not forcing farmers to work together against their will. There is nothing in what the Conservatives are doing that would prvent anyone anywhere from freely and voluntarily working together.

                        And you don't give a damn about farmers in fact you dispise over half of them.

                        Adrian needs to be held to account for all his misrepresentions.


                          I would be very interested in reading, and possible comments to real contributers. This forum is the only part of agri-ville that I use and its loss will be a big loss to ag policy in the west. thanks All. Left and right


                            Not sure about the rest of you but my focus on this website has been the forums. News and all the other parts of the site - I've never even clicked on.

                            A site with only forums is much easier and has far less overhead than what the site is today.

                            Now mayor you have never been too good to respond to questions but here goes:

                            1. Who is funding and operating the site today?

                            2. What is annual cost of the site?

                            3. Approximate cost to operate a forum only site with online membership activation service?

                            4. Some dedicated members can be moderators as occur on other sites. Can this occur?

                            5. Do those doing the site presently not want to do it any longer or are there simply insufficient funds to keep it going?

                            Please answer any or all the questions, but at the very least respond.

                            Agriville has become an institution in Ag discussion and I'd hate to see it disappear. Others exist, but are not as close to home in terms of membership.


                              I talked to the Agri-ville mayor this morning. The parent company has decided that Agri-ville doesn't fit with their corporate plan any more. That's why they are closing it down. However, this web site is for sale.


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