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Happy Canada Day

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    Happy Canada Day

    I am proud to be a Canadian, but thoroughly disgusted who is charge. Hopefully change is coming.

    Being at the lake is my happy place. Golfing is something i really enjoy and spending time with family on my pontoon.

    Originally posted by BTO780 View Post
    I am proud to be a Canadian, but thoroughly disgusted who is charge. .
    If you are disgusted now just wait until 2025.

    Don’t live in hope, firewall that farm.

    Little hint, they are redrawing riding lines since the last election to reflect the immigration policy. That’s all going into the GTA.

    You are looking at the end of federal Conservative party rule in this country all due to rigging the system.


      https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/01/31/redrawn_federal_ridings_could_mean_big_conservativ e_gains.html


      * clutches pearls*
      They all do it .
      All the time.

      Every time.


        1 million new people is about the equivalent of Saskatchewan.

        Theoretical they have to get them to the permanent residence stage before they are eligible to vote.


          You can vote with just a proof of address, government doesn’t enforce the citizenship part.


            Originally posted by BreadWinner View Post
            You can vote with just a proof of address, government doesn’t enforce the citizenship part.
            If that is true Breadwinner, I can use at least 4 addresses 👍


              Right over goalie guys head.

              Under Harper our immigration plan was targeted to bring skilled and people with means to this country. A very refined system angst 250k per year easily managed and properly absorbed into the country.

              Under Trudeau it’s wide open door and get a handout on your way in set back ina hotel room and room service until we can get you on govt assistance.

              6M people have been added to the country under the Libs and they are all in GTA. Redraw up another 25 seats and it’s done.



                Right off of “can you vote” Elections Canada, so if you say your a “Canadian” that is good enough.


                  2018, that explains the TURD's installation by immigrants to GTA. What a fantastic WEF plan....zee penetrate ze cabinet and the TURD.


                    No i understood what you meant. But we cant pretend like every govt in power doesnt redraw district lines to suite their needs. Gerrymandering is a wonderful tool...
                    As for immigration.. its not totally ideal for alot of areas of Canada.. but quite frankly immigration is the only reason our population grows. Canada's population would be shrinking without it...
                    And frankly
                    ..is that such a bad thing? Japan is headed for the same thing we are.



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