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Anyone else think the rains have ceased ?

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    Anyone else think the rains have ceased ?

    W h o r e of a growth here
    none of the last rains have materialized ?
    we're in trouble if they have quit

    Chance of rain everyday this week..
    It will tell the tail..


      Originally posted by Partners View Post
      Chance of rain everyday this week..
      It will tell the tail..
      Up to 5.5 inches today in Southern Manitoba. generally an inch plus over a large area, rain in the forecast for next week. Hasn't quit here yet


        Need rain bad ! crop looks good but will go to shit fast with zero sub soil moisture


          The shower lottery going on around here. Just over 1/4 inch here this afternoon but I heard rain gauges in Regina say 1/2 inch. Need another shot like that b/c Regina Block has been locking systems out lately and lawns like rain. 👍


            Rains every couple of days this year, everything washed out or flooded out.
            Last year, no rain and this was the week of plus 40C, death.


              No end here, rain on:
              June 8,9,11,12,13,14,15,20,24,28,29 July 2,3,4, and forecast for tomorrow.

              Peas getting root rot and are fading fast, soon as it turns hot, there'll be large empty areas in many fields. Try getting the spraying done, between wind, showers and mud ! Canola and wheat sitting in water, to copy a phrase,,, mud is a dud!


                Have had 9” here already, and an inch forecast for tomorrow. Will be almost double our normal yearly total if we get that inch tomorrow. Rains forecast for all week and then it looks like it starts drying out after that. We will be smarter in a week or two!


                  Judging by the sound on the roof right now, I'm going to assume the rains haven't ceased here yet.

                  I just checked my closest station, and we are up to 250 mm of rain in the last 29 days. That is over half of our average annual precipitation in less than a month. With another inch forecast tonight. And showers most of the coming week. With well below average temperatures, so evaporation is nil.

                  I would have been more than happy if it shut off after the first inch.

                  It isn't as catastrophic as it would be on a normal year. We started out with dry sloughs and potholes, dry subsoil and lower water table. So the first few inches actually didn't do much damage. But once everything was saturated, every additional shower is doing big damage.

                  Spraying has been a challenge, and messy.


                    Guy from Blaine lake made wrong turn looking for local auction. Said man that canola is patchy, yes that's mine.
                    60 % chance every day here means the same as it did in May, no rain.
                    Just over 2 inches this year total
                    Yet 3 miles north , i have some there too. beautiful crops. An inch ahead.
                    Canola 3 times bigger. Like night and day difference seeded a day later.
                    Viper residue showing up on some neighbors fields ,


                      Mixed bag here in this area
                      Pockets missing rain , some still on wet side , some in between.
                      90% of cereals look good
                      40% canola looks good , 40% average , 20% very patchy and late .
                      Peas about the same , but the 20% poor were hit with flashing then got big rain right after and are now showing signs of root rot
                      Rains nearly every day north of here in the hiway 3 corridor. A few areas pushing 400 mm there since early May
                      Last edited by furrowtickler; Jul 5, 2022, 05:36.


                        Pretty sure it won't stop now got some drowned out crop reseeded and hay on the ground. Got a break only 1/2 inch yesterday. Most locals worried now that we won't get enough heat to grow all these greenfeed acres being seeded . Its always about the cows boys always about the cows



                          This up to June 27
                          The wet areas are bigger and wetter . Some relief in central Sask the past few , next few days ?
                          We are in between the extremes for now


                            Regina blocked it yesterday we got 1/10 at the yard and 2/10 in town and 1/2 in Regina. I delayed spraying because they said rain. Well I'm pissed would have finished in 6 hours but no I listened to the ****ing weather man and did other things.


                              Another half inch yesterday/last night here. Nothing major the rest of the week but still chance of showers every day.

                              I’d be ok with a week off to dry the top out a bit right now. Can definitely tell it’s starting to catch up in the subsoil, water is sticking around up top longer.

                              Heat and a breeze in between inches would be helpful as well.


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