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Atypical BSE

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    The theory is your suppose to get paid for the extra expense and effort?

    There doesn't seem to be any extra pay for anything unless the scales are totaly tip in favor of the producer.

    Packers seem content to squeeze every nickel possible. Wasn't always that way.


      I agree with what all three of you say, we are giving it a fair chance and if I don't see the value of it fairly soon we'll step away from it as well, now that we have it up and running its not a lot of extra work to take the smart phone out and enter things we need to keep track of anyhow. Whether anyone else besides us is going to see that information much longer depends on the rest of the chain.


        I’ve heard of an auction, I believe Westlock? making it obvious when VBP animas run through.

        Never specifically seen it happen at Olds.

        The only difference I can see in this program that may keep it going better/longer is the companies driving it. They’re the big names like McDonalds that have committed to huge health and emissions goals by 2050 or whenever. VBP is their way to document and prove that their claims are true.

        Biggest hole is JBS. Even if the animals make it all the way through the feed chain, their chances get chopped by which packer they end up at.

        So either JBS gets on board or Cargill commits to contracting all VBP animals ahead of non.


          Oh no.

          https://www.canadiancattlemen.ca/daily/korea-suspends-canadian-beef-imports-after-bse-case/?utm_source=GFM+Publications&utm_campaign=e0a6ec2c 53-Canadian


            We can add China and the Philippines to the list, maybe the Chinese ban will last a few months like the ban did with Brazil.


              China buys most of the drop like tripe, tongue, heart and organ meat. High value product there.Lots of hides.
              Opprtunity to cause some distressed pricing.
              Will bring it through Macau, Hong Kong, Viet Nam etc.

              Will our packers discount the producer?
              Only as much as they can.

              Says here drop value $14.61 per hwt live wt on steers. About $200 hd. More for cows. Lot more than it used to be.


              They used to say the drop paid the plant operating cost. Might do more than that now.
              Last edited by shtferbrains; Jan 11, 2022, 07:11.


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