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    Originally posted by caseih View Post
    Shit Dml
    There’s those damn details again !
    Case, the discussion was never about the Atlantic Provinces. Try to keep up. Sumdum made a comment about quebec - not atlantic provinces and I compared it to saskatchewan only. No one is arguing that the Atlantic provinces have more seats/population - that is true. So do the territories. In fact the only provinces with a higher number of people than the national average for voting is Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec (by a small amount) All other provinces and territories have less than the national average voters/riding. So, if you really want equal representation in terms of numbers of voters per riding, Ontario, Alberta, BC and Quebec would all get more seats and every other province would lose seats. Is that what you want Case. It must be seeing as you jumped into the conversation trying to show how much smarter you are than me even though I never made any comment about Atlantic Canada Thgose are the damn details you should be concerned about not trying just trying to attack me


      The disproportionate representation in the regions is blatantly unfair. In the US, they foresaw the inequality that would ensue and therefore California that has major population is just considered one state.


        Originally posted by caseih View Post
        You are a pompous ass
        Both our daughters are French teachers
        All grandchildren are fluent in 2 languages as lots are in
        You are just a troublemaker and jerk who talks to argue
        Without giving any personal info away a very close family member taught French immersion for many years so I have no qualms with French. It’s pompous shit disturbers like this Chuckandpaste who jump in here and try to cause trouble. In fact the bonehead lives in an area with people who are of French decent like a lot of other places. Whether it is French, Belgian, or Métis. Give it a rest Chuck your are a prick and should go dig up Tommy and suck his toe.


          Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
          Case, the discussion was never about the Atlantic Provinces. Try to keep up. Sumdum made a comment about quebec - not atlantic provinces and I compared it to saskatchewan only. No one is arguing that the Atlantic provinces have more seats/population - that is true. So do the territories. In fact the only provinces with a higher number of people than the national average for voting is Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec (by a small amount) All other provinces and territories have less than the national average voters/riding. So, if you really want equal representation in terms of numbers of voters per riding, Ontario, Alberta, BC and Quebec would all get more seats and every other province would lose seats. Is that what you want Case. It must be seeing as you jumped into the conversation trying to show how much smarter you are than me even though I never made any comment about Atlantic Canada Thgose are the damn details you should be concerned about not trying just trying to attack me
          Holy shit man
          Lighten up
          That one was just an attempt at humour
          We all need sun and wind !


            Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
            Without giving any personal info away a very close family member taught French immersion for many years so I have no qualms with French. It’s pompous shit disturbers like this Chuckandpaste who jump in here and try to cause trouble. In fact the bonehead lives in an area with people who are of French decent like a lot of other places. Whether it is French, Belgian, or Métis. Give it a rest Chuck your are a prick and should go dig up Tommy and suck his toe.
            Haha chuckandpaste. Good one and quite fitting !


              My lack of french goes back to grade school where I started with a sweet young lady who spoke sask french as her first language. When she engaged the young boys they tried thier best.
              Good teacher with a natural advantage

              Then we moved back to the farm and my new teacher just emigrated from Britain. He lost me as I couldn't understand a dam thing he was saying and realy didn't care anymore.


                Over near Csseih there is a small community that has french as first languge.
                The gene pool is getting tight and I here they are mingling with the Ukrainians from Northeast of there.
                I hope none of thier offspring knock on the door campaining for the Liberals or you would have to stick a fork in your eye to get any relief from that never ending argument.*


                  Originally posted by beaverdam View Post
                  Atlantic provinces have 116,000 fewer people than SK & MB , yet the Atlantic provinces have 4 more ridings.
                  We should take tractors and cultivators and block the ****ing hiways until this criminal bullshit is fixed!


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