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Fair Trade

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    Fair Trade

    Has anyone else seen this term as applied by American commodity organizations? I believe it is code for we are getting our butts kicked and don't like it. They don't understand Free Trade. They think that if someone can compete with them they must have a gov. subsidy that is allowing you to compete.

    Any comments?

    Reluctantly I'm going to reply to this thread, because I know I'm going to be ate by this one! If the day ever comes that the CWB gets the old heave-ho and we have access to the great American market, you will be amazed how fast that border slams shut! Can our Canadian grain farmer produce grain for that American market at a competitive price? No question. Yes he can...Lord knows he's had lots of practice!
    But then reality will set in. America doesn't need or WANT your grain! Free trade is basically a myth.
    When it comes right down to what is fair and what buys the votes, I suggest you will always lose?
    Part of the argument for scrapping the CWB is that we will have access to the American market. That just is not going to happen, boys! Better to stick with your home grown feedlots/pig barns/malsters/mills. America has never been a free trader and they never will be!


      Cowman I am afraid you are correct. While it would be good to have access to US markets we better look for other areas to go with our lumber, meat and grain.


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