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The end of the turd

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    The end of the turd

    Well there are some hopeful signs in canuckistan. Prediction of a Tool minority government on Sept 21 which will result in chaos in ottawa but that is far better than a turd dictatorship. NS tossed the libs after polls showed they would win but more interesting is the election of an independent mla that was tossed from the PC's for being part of an anti lockdown protest. Elections in NS are as irrelevant as elections anywhere these days, but this is a sign of some brain function in the east. The election of a Tool minority doesn't change the need for Alberta independence though but a weak chaotic government in ottawa would help it along. Almost everybody in Alberta not getting a paycheck from the federal government has figured out that sinking on the ship canuckistan is not their best interests now.

    Originally posted by ajl View Post
    Well there are some hopeful signs in canuckistan. Prediction of a Tool minority government on Sept 21.
    I havent seen that prediction yet, where did you see it?.

    I know that support for Trudeau is nowhere near what the polls have been telling us for a yr. He has faced campaign stop protests right in friendly Ontario this past few days. The civil service is fighting his vax mandate now. I see he is trying to drum up Harper and racism now.

    Why would he risk an election at this time? Because there is something hiding in those govt docs regarding WE and Winnipeg lab.


      Prediction is my own but I have seen polling showing lib support going ndp. Vote splitting on the left could be a problem for the four leftist parties. Canuckistan is done, and this fall could blow that wide open. People will soon have to survive on their own resources which for many will result in starvation in the coming months and years.


        ajl, I share your hopes.

        However, we all witnessed what can be accomplished thru the use of mail-in ballots.

        Don't kid yourself for even 1 second - Trudeau's already got this one in the bag. His managers are quite adept.

        It may well prove that the millions he's spending on campaigning are to merely give it a show of legitimacy.


          It occurred to me yesterday that mail in ballots may not be all bad. As the end of the campaign approaches the Libs will no doubt trot out the spectre of vote splitting leading to the evil genius Steven Harper's goons gaining power. If the low information lefties have already cast a ballot for whatever local loon they favour that might actually work out well. There's always mail-in fraud to consider but that's a whole other matter. Perhaps its just wishful thinking but it gets me through the day.


            Great minds, Bob, I hope...

            Our latest municipal election, a couple of years ago, was done electronically.

            Only the clerk and the candidates could see the polling results in real time, I am told.

            The candidate who was trying to unseat the mayor worked very hard in a door to door campaign and public meetings. Election day, she saw her vote count very close, nearly tied - until the final hour or two before the polls closed.

            Suddenly the incumbent's vote count shot upward and he won comfortably.

            Likely just natural...


              I think Canadas system negates the mail in fraud quite a bit because the vote is for the party at the riding level and we have 3 or 4 parties. If trudeau fakes a bunch of ballots in Toronto center, not going to change the out come. He has to go into somewhere like Calgary or Edmonton and steal the downtowns. The CPC influence in places like that would make it hard to do. Maybe on the outskirts of the GTA this could be pulled off.

              Remember another reduced minority is just as good as a win.


                Originally posted by jazz View Post
                Remember another reduced minority is just as good as a win.
                Only if you have a bona fide opposition.


                  I believe in the US they have what the call register Democrats, Repubicans etc. You register in your local area similar to joining and the local assn here to vote for the local nomination.
                  It appears to me anyone who was registered down there was sent a mail in from everywhere they ever lived. No requests just basicly send them to every address they have.
                  Resulted in multiple ballots sent to one person.
                  So if they send ballots out here to everyone that has a card but don't open them till everyone has voted at the polls????
                  Watch for a big surge in soliciting to join the LPC or any party.
                  That eas just from what I saw come to our mailbox.
                  I certainly can't explain how the whole Trump defeat played out.
                  I have no doubt there was extreme fraud all around.
                  Are we on our way to meaningless elections like bannana republics?
                  Last edited by shtferbrains; Aug 18, 2021, 11:11.


                    I think the Liberals want out and have the media helping them out. Announcing mandatory vaccines,covid passports and dragging their feet on Afghanistan can't be good for votes.


                      CBC published opinion article, “ We Need Canadian Politics to be much, much better than this.” What a surprise they allowed the article and the comments. Not looking good for the Libs.


                        CBC published opinion article, “ We Need our Politics to be much, much better than this.” What a surprise they allowed the article and the comments. Not looking good for the Libs.
                        Last edited by sumdumguy; Aug 18, 2021, 15:12.


                          Today Canadas inflation rate hit 3.7% highest in more than 10 yrs. And here is what your illustrious fake PM had to say about that.


                          There cant be anyone stupid enough to vote for this can there? Like seriously, this isnt even left right anymore. Its an idiot trying to run G7 nation who wouldnt qualify to scoop ice cream without his last name.

                          Good god Ontario and maritimes, seriously WTF is wrong with you?


                            If you’re living in your parent’s basement smoking dope and eating twinkies and every month a check comes for $2000
                            Why not vote for this idiotic spoiled useless child ?


                              Trudeau just said he doesn’t think about monetary policy. That ought to seal the election for him.


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