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April 19

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    April 19

    First Trudeau budget in almost 2 years. 🙀

    This will be a feel good liberal shit show look here nothing to see but more goodies for cities and lots of promises.

    Then a election that the liberals want so desperate to have and get a majority.

    Then watch them screw the tax payer out west.

    Death tax.

    Tax on home sales.

    Captain gains gone.

    Corporate taxes up. You own a company you pay.

    Can we say it’s about making most of us way poorer and helping lift some lower class up.

    Liberals will have trust funds so no problem


      Taxes come in 2022 according to US insiders.


        Opposition need to vote yes on the budget whatever is in it, because a Trudeau majority is just too horrible to contemplate right now.

        Put him off until fall and at least we will see if there is any response from AB. If there isnt give your accountant a bonus and shield those assets and income anyway you can.

        I got this from my accountant today on where they think things are going.

        https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/ca/pdf/tnf/2021/ca-2021-federal-budget-%E2%80%94-on-the-trail-of-possible-tax-changes.pdf 2021 Federal Budget — On the Trail of Possible Tax Changes


          Just in time for 420 day!


            Doesn't really matter what they do now, canuckistan is done anyways. The biggest problem is that the relationship between work and income has been utterly destroyed and that will take generations of hard times to reestablish. The appropriate direction to go now is to slow the money printing press, allow interest rates to rise, and get a sensible budget that involves, among other things, the layoff of millions of snivel disservants all over the country. Then lockdowns and the green new steal would magically disappear. Nobody would hear a word about climate change. A sensible way of dealing with the CCP virus would emerge as well. I have a dream.
            Last edited by ajl; Mar 23, 2021, 20:38.


              Hows about:
              Import tariffs on canola.

              Its ridiculous that viterra would undermine industry here in canada (canola growers) and they would import canola from Ukraine for crush plants in eastern canada. If they want Ukraine canola they should set up crushers over there - they dont have have higher cost of production issues like we have have.

              Boycott Viterra ?


                Must be really short on canola if they are importing


                  Originally posted by TASFarms View Post
                  Must be really short on canola if they are importing
                  But but there was a huge carry over .. no ?
                  Last edited by furrowtickler; Mar 23, 2021, 22:13.


                    It will be all fluff geared to the idiots in the GTA. This whole next election will be won or lost in the GTA. The rest of Canada means nothing, The Sheep in the GTA will follow Trudeau with the right amount of Cash.


                      Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                      First Trudeau budget in almost 2 years. 🙀
                      It’s a slow process writing it out when using red crayons.


                        UBI and handing out free money to 15-17 year olds then dropping voting age to 16 should lock in the Liberals for a decade.
                        Plus the cons are all over the place with “the tool” trying to pretend to be liberal .


                          Originally posted by wiseguy
                          Tomorrow the supreme Court makes the decision on the carbon tax !

                          Don't forget it's mostly liberal judges !

                          Axe the tax !
                          Knowing blackface gropers history, he has probably made the calls to each judge personally, or else he got Ben Chin or someone with the last name wernick to make those calls.


                            I can’t see how judge could rule for the tax: #1 resources are provincial jurisdiction #2 it is not applied same across all provinces. But…


                              5 of the 9 appointees are from Harper. That doesn't necessary mean anything but if the country is going to survive in its current form, this reference case has a direct link to the constitution and division of power and if that gets ignored, you can count on the federal govt inserting itself into all provincial matters after this.

                              Strangest thing of all, Quebec is an ally in this fight. They like to suck from the rest of Canada, but dont want the feds in their face.



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