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Vaccine Death Voids Life Insurance?

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    Originally posted by biglentil View Post
    Did you call your insurer or is that your gut hunch? You may want to get that in writing from your insurer.
    Have had my life licence since 1998, but go ahead believe what you see on Facebook!


      Originally posted by GDR View Post
      Have had my life licence since 1998, but go ahead believe what you see on Facebook!
      And they all insure for death caused by experimental medical treatments? I find that hard to believe. Hey everyone GDR guarantees your coverage. Doesn't matter the provider you are good to go as a guinea pig for the experimental jab. No need to request anything in writing from your provider. That may take 5 minutes of your time. Nothing to see here.

      One thing I know forsure is that biotechs are absolved from any liability from permanent side effects from the so called 'vaccine'.
      Last edited by biglentil; Mar 12, 2021, 00:59.


        Originally posted by biglentil View Post
        And they all insure for death caused by experimental medical treatments? I find that hard to believe. Hey everyone GDR guarantees your coverage. Doesn't matter the provider you are good to go as a guinea pig for the experimental jab. No need to request anything in writing from your provider. That may take 5 minutes of your time. Nothing to see here.

        One thing I know forsure is that biotechs are absolved from any liability from permanent side effects from the so called 'vaccine'.

        I must say I'm a bit suprised here Big Lentil, have enjoyed lots of your posts and often think you put some thought into them.

        Please dig out your individual life policy and take a picture of the exclusions it contains and post it on Agriville for us all to see. I am very interested to see how such an exclusion is worded. This is the written proof you seek, FWIW. While I suggest no one needs to lose sleep over this issue, it is a great idea to keep in touch with your adviser and keep things up to date, that is good advice BL.


          Not a big fan of life insurance companies. Know of a guy that died of cancer. He never listed gout on his application form as he didn't even know he had it. The autopsy stated that he had gout. Even though he clearly died of cancer, and not gout, the insurance company didn't pay out his policy.

          Not gonna donate to an insurance company so that they can deny coverage at the time of death and make a bad situation worse to deal with for my family.


            Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
            Globally there has been 118 million confirmed cases of Covid and 2.6 million people died from Covid (2.2% death rate). In the US there have been 30 million confirmed cases and 536,000 people died. (1.8% death rate) And posters on here claim it covid is fake, it is only killing those with comorbidities or old, nothing to see here.
            Yet out of the 5 million people vaccinated in Europe with the Astrazeneca vaccine there has been just 1 death (0.00002% death rate) and only 30 cases of blood clots (0.0006%) and somehow this is a crisis? No questioning the age of the dead person or if there were comorbidities in those who developed the blood clots. No comparisons of the occurrance of bloodclots in the general population like you compare covid to the flu.

            It is a shame that you use a different criteria to criticize vaccines than you do the disease

            Oh, and by the way, the Astrazeneca vaccine uses the conventional viral vector system to develop immunity and not the "unproven" mRNA system.

            More political grandstanding. Months ago posters were complaining of not enough vaccines and Canada taking to long to approve. Now that we have vaccines available posters questioning the safety even though the risk, if the vaccine in fact caused the clots) is still thousands times lower than the risk from Covid itself.

            As usual, you seem confused.

            If you read the numerous sources, you might understand that it was Norway, Iceland and Denmark that cancelled the vax.

            Not me.

            But you keep right on with your usual drool of misinformation and squirrel sightings.

            The facts are that the excess deaths worldwide are almost nonexistent and that the jabs are causing problems in unusual numbers.

            Which is unsurprising in light of the FACT that shortcuts were taken and the normal procedure for approval was not followed.

            As a result -just what you would see when the entire population is the experiment.

            Deal with it, my friend.
            Last edited by burnt; Mar 12, 2021, 05:37.


              At least 9 European countries have discontinued use of the Astra Zeneka vaccine but our Tammy says its valuable enough to continue its use.


                Originally posted by biglentil View Post
                Did you call your insurer or is that your gut hunch? You may want to get that in writing from your insurer.
                In post #4 of this thread I provided a statement from Manulife saying not only does getting a Covid vaccination not negatively impact your coverage but the company even supports covid vaccinations. And in post$#3 I provided a statement from the Life Insurance Association of Canada calling the rumor you posted false and that a covid vaccination does not negatively impact coverage.

                Yet you continue to share obvious rumors and disinformation and tell us to check with our insurers. How about you providing any proof at all of any actual insurance company denying coverage because of vaccinations. By proof I mean a statement in the policy as GDR calls for, or a letter from an agent denying coverage if you get a covid vaccination instead posting some anonymous statement on twitter making an unverified claim. Why don't you do what is suggested in your original post and do some research before posting innuendo and garbage


                  Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
                  Not a big fan of life insurance companies. Know of a guy that died of cancer. He never listed gout on his application form as he didn't even know he had it. The autopsy stated that he had gout. Even though he clearly died of cancer, and not gout, the insurance company didn't pay out his policy.

                  Not gonna donate to an insurance company so that they can deny coverage at the time of death and make a bad situation worse to deal with for my family.
                  Likely on a mortgage insurance policy whereby you are qualified after you die. Which most people don’t know.


                    Originally posted by biglentil View Post
                    Did you call your insurer or is that your gut hunch? You may want to get that in writing from your insurer.
                    After 2 years they pay on suicide. Hard for me to believe that they could exclude this unless it is in the first two years.


                      Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
                      Not a big fan of life insurance companies. Know of a guy that died of cancer. He never listed gout on his application form as he didn't even know he had it. The autopsy stated that he had gout. Even though he clearly died of cancer, and not gout, the insurance company didn't pay out his policy.

                      Not gonna donate to an insurance company so that they can deny coverage at the time of death and make a bad situation worse to deal with for my family.
                      Flea beetle, I suspect you only have partial info here, dont dismiss an opportunity based on rumors. Lep is correct in his posts. Group coverage like you get from a credit card company or being in the cereal of the month club, vs an individual life policy are very different. The mortgage insurance Lep mentions is still a group policy too.

                      A life policy is a unilateral contract once issued, the company has all the rights to rate or decline you before hand but once the contract is delivered the only party able to change or cancel is the customer. There are 2 clauses in a policy that could result in non payment.

                      #1 Contestability- for 2 yrs the company can deny in a situation of misprepresentation or outright fraud. (not the situation you describe at all)

                      #2 Suicide for the first 2 yrs. As a deterrent for someone buying today trying to cash in tomorrow. Interestingly I was involved with a death by suicide claim of a young mother at 2 yrs and one day, I was concerned there may be an issue but not one question or comment from the company.

                      I am no longer in the business and am just a farmer, but have never seen a hiccup of any sort in the claims process during my time. Further to Leps post, those with mortgage insurance or other group coverage, would be a good idea to explore individual coverage.


                        GDR and DLM

                        Thanks for posting beneficial information regarding insurance policies.

                        The Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat etc etc posts need to be quashed here on Agriville.

                        Way to many of them!
                        Last edited by foragefarmer; Mar 12, 2021, 10:04.


                          In another thread recently accusations were thrown around about who and what could be driving posters away from the site.

                          I'll vote for topics like this.

                          Why are a bunch of farmers at each others throats over something as obscure as this on a supposedly commodity marketing forum?
                          I can't see how this is remotely relevant, or why it would be contentious in the least to the target audience?
                          Edit, I'm referring to the COVID vaccine Is going to kill us all argument, Not the life insurance as a financial planning tool topic, Which is well worth discussing.
                          Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Mar 12, 2021, 10:54.


                            As someone who has heard of or lived through a lot of bad decisions regarding this matter. I'm a little surprised the number of businessmen here who dont know this stuff.


                              Then the right policy may have a large annuity value possibly tax free.


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