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Ready Set Grow Podcast - Farmer using DOT Autonomous farming and robots in the future

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    Ready Set Grow Podcast - Farmer using DOT Autonomous farming and robots in the future

    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry I have not been on Agriville that much the past year or so....we have busy launching some new projects.

    I hope everyone is well and I do still love watching the action here.

    We have been looking at some future innovations and it seems like a lot of new technology is being developed in the farming automation and robotics sector.....I think it is more likely starting in the horticulture sector where covid has really hammered the farm workers picking and processing fruit and vegetables. Innovations like the DOT developed by the SeedMaster founder in SK are moving to commercialization...This farmer in the video, bought one and I saw it in action this past year.

    We have been interviewing farmers and business people and decided to record some of the discussions and post for other people in video and podcast form. Here are some of the past episodes
    https://www.rhaccelerator.com/ready-set-grow-podcast https://www.rhaccelerator.com/ready-set-grow-podcast

    Here is podcast visit we had with farmer Chuck Baresich where we talked how some of the new farm equipment innovation may improve operations.

    Sorry I if take the focus off of Justin Trudeau and politics here for a minute....

    Ok, let's start a vigorous discussion on farming, innovation, automation, robotics and will things change in the farm machinery industry or not......let the games begin.

    Please let me know if there are topics and people I should be visiting with on the podcast.

    Take care and best wishes,

    Joe Dales
    Former Agriville.com Champion and Manager

    Last edited by joedales; Feb 6, 2021, 10:42.

    We drive by their test site every day.


      What is going to pull the stuck DOT mobile out .....it will happen..


        Welcome back Joe


          Originally posted by bucket View Post
          What is going to pull the stuck DOT mobile out .....it will happen..
          There's an app for that!


            I dont want any technology thats involved in data mining without compensation.


              But that's taking away all our fun! Ii like what I do and take pride in it.


                Not going to happen in our swamp.


                  Originally posted by Dr Tone View Post
                  Not going to happen in our swamp.
                  I would be inclined to agree with you in our conditions too.
                  But to play devils advocate. What if the robot is smart enough to learn from its mistakes? Measuring wheel slip, comparing to past experience in the same field, and topography and weather conditions, and they get stuck less than us, who get greedy and try one more pass.


                    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                    I would be inclined to agree with you in our conditions too.
                    But to play devils advocate. What if the robot is smart enough to learn from its mistakes? Measuring wheel slip, comparing to past experience in the same field, and topography and weather conditions, and they get stuck less than us, who get greedy and try one more pass.
                    I’m a software developer, I just farm on the side to guarantee that I’m broke.

                    There is no autonomous vehicle algorithm that can figure out how to work our fields which can have 40 holes/runs with water per 1/4 section. Or at least not without leaving too much precious little non mud we have left.
                    Last edited by Dr Tone; Feb 6, 2021, 20:03.


                      Originally posted by Dr Tone View Post
                      I’m a software developer, I just farm on the side to guarantee that I’m broke.

                      There is no autonomous vehicle algorithm that can figure out how to work our fields which can have 40 holes/runs with water per 1/4 section. Or at least not without leaving too much precious little non mud we have left.
                      Kinda like batteries that will save the planet ??


                        Originally posted by littledoggie View Post
                        But that's taking away all our fun! Ii like what I do and take pride in it.
                        Yes. For sure.

                        And what do we as society gain from this? More unemployment and laziness? I refuse to use the ATM at the bank, self checkout, and other devices that eliminates staff. It’s one thing to run bigger more efficient equipment and quite different to eliminate the operator.

                        Maybe it’s just me though............

                        P.S. I don’t foresee a robot anytime soon that’s able to cruise around the calving field in a snowstorm at 3 am and make the call wether that heifer needs a pull or the calf that just fell out needs a hotbox and which to deal with first. Guess I’m still required for a little while yet here😉


                          Farmers are arguably the most self sufficient and resilient group on the planet. Of course the globalists want us replaced by a robot.


                            I think the large scale adoption of this technology is a long way off. What is needed now is that central banks stop printing money allowing interest rates to rise, government start getting back to sound budgeting and laying off about 2/3 of their labor force, and then the labor vs capital decision is not always in favor of replacing labor with capital. Large, inefficient farm operations would be replaced by smaller and more nimble competitors. Fruit and vegetable production would be more decentralized and less dependent on foreign labor. The implication of all this is that autonomous farming systems would not see large scale adoption because they are not all that efficient in most applications unless capital is artificially cheap.


                              There may be a small place for this tech where it’s already being used .. orchards and very high value row crops like vegetables and irrigated crops . Used to be highly intensive manual labor faring industry. They can replace a huge unreliable work force
                              In low value commercial crops , it will be a while with far lower net returns and huge fluctuations in facing Mother Nature full on .
                              There is a place for this tech , just not frost , drought , market prone dryland farming in western Canada.., JMO


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