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Bring on the vaccine

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    Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
    When my turn comes up to get the Covid 19 vaccine I will be rolling up my sleeve.

    Was at the family doctor for my yearly check-up early November. She told me that I'm in good health, of which I'm truly thankful for. I got the flu shot for the first time in my life on the recommendation of my doctor. She is the medical professional not the social media platforms that are out there. She told me that I will likely get the Covid vaccine in the fall. I got the measles and polio vaccines at an early age they have ensured I never caught either of those deadly viruses. It was science that developed those vaccines and it's science that has now come up with the Covid vaccine.

    As a farmer I have put my trust in science to get the yields I need to make a living, and enjoy the life style I live. Science has provided me with the the inputs and equipment required to grow the crops and get the yields needed to make a profit. When growing up we had cattle which we vaccinated yearly, and that ourselves grew up butchering and eating. We never picked out a certain animal that wouldn't be vaccinated for our own consumpation. We raised our own chickens and fed them the special feeds when they were chicks so they wouldn't catch any viruses. We butchered those chicken every fall and many times we were eating them within a couple of hours of them being butchered. I'm still alive and healthy after eating vaccinated animals.

    I find it odd that on a farmer chat line so many are on here pasting all kind of links casting doubt in the Covid 19 vaccine and yet use science everyday on their farms. I'm sure the majority of you got your measles and polio vaccines at an early age. You're all still alive from what I'm reading. The same ones will come on hear bashing the anti GMO crowd, but will post anti Covid 19 vaccine posts.

    The Covid 19 vaccine is science, and to be a farmer in these days of science all around you it is very odd that all of a sudden this vaccine has cast doubt in so many of you. Yes I know it was developed quickly but science has grown leaps an bounds since the 50s and 60s when the polio and measles vaccines were discovered.

    I hope politics isn't behind the negativity towards the Covid vaccine on Agriville as Covid isn't political as that ended on Nov 3/2020.

    Well, Mr. Very Wise Man, apparently you know more than these medical voices. Are you saying they don't believe in science?

    Your obstinate arrogance is sickening - very Liberal-like.

    I'll just re-post this article from your most reliable Liberal rag here for your benefit, Mr. Very Wise Man:

    "The implications of this Toronto Star article are simply staggering. This sounds about like throwing darts at the board from a mile away. Good thing it's only our personal health that's at risk.

    "Yes, the mask stays on after you get vaccinated. Here’s why"

    “We don’t actually know whether (the vaccines) prevent somebody from becoming infected and then spreading it forward,” Lee said. What that means is that if there is a large amount of the population that isn’t yet vaccinated, they’re still at risk of potentially contracting the virus from vaccinated people.

    “The key issue is that if people are vaccinated, and they can still spread it, then that’s a risk to the people who aren’t vaccinated,” she said. - Dr. Robyn Lee, an infectious disease expert/prof...

    https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/202...heres-why.html "


      Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
      What I find truly amazing is the only thing conspiracy theorists don't challenge is conspiracy theories.
      Is this a conspiracy theory?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Canadian deaths.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	84.5 KB
ID:	770518


        Its synthetic genetic modification of the human genome and its patented. I wonder what the fine print of the MRNA vaccine release agreement looks like and how few will actually read it. Since Monsanto Vs. Percy Schmeiser the law is clear, life is patentable. Similar to the ownership of canola genetics will that mean that we become their property after the vaccine?

        For most of us we won't even know if we have coronavirus and for those that do have symptoms Ivermectin has proven nearly 100% effective in field trials with one dose. Does it not seem excessive to force the modification of a million years of evolution of the human genome without fully understanding the long term effects?
        Last edited by biglentil; Dec 13, 2020, 07:56.


          Maybe the Shingles vaccines are a good example?

          I have close friends and family who contracted and had mild to severe shingles outbreaks.

          I have received the two shot vaccines to prevent the risk of pain and suffering they endured. Might be worse that Covid, don’t know but certainly it lives closer to home.


            I used to get Agribition pneumonia every year until I started getting flu shot before.i vaccinated my pets and livestock.I paid for a shingles vaccination.shingles can be a horrible thing.knew a petso that had it in his eyes.Man hours that have been put into this new vaccine so quickly is unprecedented.I will get the covid vaccine as quick as I can get it.If you choose not to get it fine but as like smoking not getting it can come with restrictions where you can go while puffing away and possible higher health insurance premiums.Best get reliable information about it from your family doctor and not a Facebook doctor.


              Originally posted by Rareearth View Post
              Maybe the Shingles vaccines are a good example?

              I have close friends and family who contracted and had mild to severe shingles outbreaks.

              I have received the two shot vaccines to prevent the risk of pain and suffering they endured. Might be worse that Covid, don’t know but certainly it lives closer to home.
              Shingles isn't much fun. I had a milder case than some that I know. Many years ago when my mother got it, she was about driven to distraction with the rash and itch she suffered for weeks.

              My brother had it fairly severely a few years ago and subsequently got vaccinated. Guess what, this fall he had another case, but much milder.

              Vaccines have a critically important role to play, but need to follow the usual protocols to be safe.


                If you ever get too complacent about vaccines go visit the travel health office to get an eye opening.

                They will sit there and tell you about dozens of diseases that have never even existed in Canada and that you need protection. When we asked which ones were the most critical they just said get them all, better safe than sorry in their words. We proceeded to get $2000 worth of unnecessary shots. Dengue? I see more mosquitos on my farm than in any 3rd world country.

                Will never do that again. But this is the ambiguous health advise that our experts dish out.

                Lets see if Trudeau gets a shot.


                  Just Googled the ivomectin , looked like
                  A 50% reduction in mortality.
                  Not insignificant, but not a cure.
                  If the facts are correct


                    Originally posted by sawfly1 View Post
                    Just Googled the ivomectin , looked like
                    A 50% reduction in mortality.
                    Not insignificant, but not a cure.
                    If the facts are correct
                    There are several solid the****utics in the works. Thats a better approach to something with a 95%+ survival rate and mass asymptotic infections than vaccinating the entire world. At least the drug has a temporary existence in your body.

                    I bet these come to market right after tons have been vaccinated.

                    Some company in BC on the cusp.

                    https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-developed-covid-19-treatment-approved-for-use-1.5201168 Vancouver-developed COVID-19 treatment approved for use


                      For those who see the jab as a panacea, there's this Ottawa Citizen article to consider:

                      'Clinical trials so far have not been designed to determine if an immunized person can still spread the coronavirus to someone else. COVID-19 vaccine makers focused trials on determining whether the drug stopped people from getting ill.

                      It will also be several more months before it becomes clear how long the vaccination will protect someone from coronavirus infection.

                      “Until then, it is better to avoid the pub, and other in-person gatherings with many people,” said Dr. Anita Shet, infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

                      Since there is no evidence that the immunization prevents transmission of the virus – and no vaccine is 100% effective – scientists call for continued vigilance, including mask-wearing, hand-washing and social distancing. “As with all vaccines, it may work really great in certain patient subsets, but not as well in others … Does that mean you are free to hop on a plane or have 30 people over at your house? Probably not,” said Dr. Michelle Barron, senior medical director for infection prevention at Colorado’s UC Health.'

                      So regardless of any claims, there is no substitute for taking personal responsibility. There's just way too much that remains unknown about the WuFlu.


                        Originally posted by burnt View Post
                        Is this a conspiracy theory?

                        This data is out of date

                        https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=1310076801 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=1310076801


                          I will get the vaccine as soon as I can. My wife has virtually zero immunity from cancer and it's ongoing treatment so getting vaccinated is as much about protecting her as myself. Same reasons for wearing a mask as it's protecting others from me.

                          I've had the flu vaccine for years for the same reason despite having a religious, anti vaxxer lunatic brother in law ( he even claims there's glyphosate in the vaccine) that says the flu vaccine has made me part of Satan's army.


                            DML did you price out what it would cost to have my Yukon loaded up and hauled to Florida.

                            Your not very bright are you if you cant see this is all about control. If Canadians could cross the border they could buy the vaccine get there cheaper groceries and enjoy life again. But with skippy in charge its all about control.

                            Like Case said since I got sick and what I had I will not be able to go south with a plane till March at the earliest. I'll go then but I might need a yellow star on my jacket from Skippy.

                            Liberals ****ed up the whole thing from the beginning. The boarders should have been closed to all flights from China day one when the shit hit the fan. Also when it hit Italy etc the same. THen a real 14-day quarantine.

                            Close the border to people walking over from the USA.

                            But no a liberal like you will support a total **** up till the day he is gone and then cry that he is gone.


                              I think I’ll just wait and stand at the back of the line. I have never taken a flu shot ever and haven’t had the flu since university. When 150 workers can pile into one building every day (and they were there yesterday), and they have all survived for 9 months (after at least 19 positive cases), there’s more than a chance I will survive the remote chance I bump into the Big C. Not worried at all.


                                Originally posted by sawfly1 View Post
                                Just Googled the ivomectin , looked like
                                A 50% reduction in mortality.
                                Not insignificant, but not a cure.
                                If the facts are correct
                                This doctor would disagree with your findings.

                                What is science, if not repeated trials conducted under consistent controls and observations?

                                This is starting to look like the rush to vaccines is nothing but another government program shoveling of taxpayer funds into the pockets of their wealthy owners.

                                But sure, get in line for a jab that may or may not work, that may or may not cause severe allergic reactions, that most certainly did not follow the ages-old testing and approval protocol - when there is a super-cheap, simple and safe treatment right at our fingertips.

                                Gotta keep those pharma thieves happy!

                                EDIT: Actually, it's more likely a mutual agreement between big pharma and the wannabe dictators like our Prime Moron,. Big Pharma gets to profit exorbitantly from a needless and potentially harmful vax program while the wannabe dictator gets to grasp control over the population.

                                I suspect that this is the real reason behind maintaining an unrealistic level of fear porn and the false numbers "cases...cases...cases... 000's of high-risk contacts..."being shoveled out daily by a corrupt and complicit media.
                                Last edited by burnt; Dec 13, 2020, 09:25.


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