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    Hard to believe its been 20 years since all the hype. Spent the evening with four young kids waiting for the world to crash! Never did buy a generator haha.

    Do we hold our breath, go back to cave men days and wait 11 or 10 now years for world to end?

    Just like then Climate Scaremongers will look f*cking STUPID when SFA happens, OR if earth is COLDER!
    Last edited by fjlip; Dec 31, 2019, 12:30.


      Never did understand the hype.

      Systems run off of the UNIX timestamp, also known as the "epoch timestamp" or "unix epoch" for the most part.

      Basically most network and computer systems count the number of seconds since midnight, january 1, 1970, the Unix Epoch.

      The real problem will be 03:14:07 on Tuesday, 19 January 2038 when we no longer can add to the number of seconds in memory (buffer overflow in programmer parlance)

      For reference:

      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem Wikipedia - The 2038 Problem
      Last edited by Zephyr; Dec 31, 2019, 12:36.


        Originally posted by seldomseen View Post
        Hard to believe its been 20 years since all the hype. Spent the evening with four young kids waiting for the world to crash! Never did buy a generator haha.

        a few years later but today is the day!

        https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2004/feb/22/usnews.theobserver https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2004/feb/22/usnews.theobserver


          I couldn’t understand how so much fear and hype was cultivated over so much bs. Then again the JW’s wrongly predicted the end of the world 35 times and people still kept joining. I always thought only weak minded people were drawn into these impending doom parties but judging from a recent personal experience even critical thinking people can be duped into believing dubious things and trusting nefarious people.


            Originally posted by fjlip View Post
            Do we hold our breath, go back to cave men days and wait 11 or 10 now years for world to end?

            Just like then Climate Scaremongers will look f*cking STUPID when SFA happens, OR if earth is COLDER!
            Wait now ....... doesnt global warming cause cold too ?
            How can the general public be this naieve?


              Okay yes but if ENOUGH of the planet is COLDER, even IF "those people" keep saying hottest on record, maybe just maybe the whole pile of SH*T will come apart!


                We were partying at a friends place and thought about sneaking around the neighbourhood and flicking a few yard breakers off that night ............. nobody was in any condition to go out by midnight and it was -20c so that killled interest pretty quick 😉

                🥳 Happy New Year


                  Twenty years ago tonight we were on the Vegas strip, barricades went up right down middle of strip and police snipers were on many of the roof tops. Nothing happened-nada ting. All the hype and lots of people wired in generators in their garages. It’s been quite the two decades. Happy New Year.


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