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Beyond Meat

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    Beyond Meat

    Share price June $235, share price October $84.

    cool !!!!!


      Does this mean people might not care for highly processed, manufactured “protein” when a natural alternative is available?

      What a crazy revelation........... if only they had artificial turkey ........... then Oct/ Nov would have been a success. 😉

      My cows are the original “food processors” taking inedible grass and creating burgers, steaks, and ribs. Yum


        Amazing, allow the free market to sort it all out, and it never fails.


          The beyond meat craze was an incredible marketing program that played right into the crazy society we live in now. Believe everything you read on Facebook, the internet or what a celebrity tells you. If you believe for one second that a highly processed beyond meat burger is better for you or the environment, than you fall right into the laps of the big corporations that are pushing Beyond Meat.
          I’ve seen a few arguments, about how it’s going to help us pulse producers, and Grain farmers. Give me a break. If you take all the feedlots out of North America, what are you going to grow on all the corn and barley acres that are used for silage and feed grain, not to mention all the canola/soy meal and DDGs that get fed. Even if you are a straight grain producer, and live no where near a feed lot, pig barn, or chicken barn, a healthy meat industry benefits grain farmers.
          It would be pretty scary marketing all this crap grain this year without feedlots. And without a feeding industry it would be really scary what grain prices would be.
          The Beyond Meat craziness shows how gullible society is, but I shouldn’t be surprised with that. I just wish I was smart enough to create the next big wave to take advantage of, so I wouldn’t care about the crop laying under snow anymore!!!


            A little government ban on meat will help the share price.


              Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
              Amazing, allow the free market to sort it all out, and it never fails.
              It's not a free market because the government is funding the protein isolates industry through Protein Industries Canada....not one of these plants has been built on free market principles. ...

              All government funded....

              Primary producers should quit growing peas and lentils and see how these plants make out when importing peas from other countries...

              As I tried to explain to a dummy yesterday...those plants can be moved to where the pulse production is with even more government help. ..


                Originally posted by jazz View Post
                A little government ban on meat will help the share price.
                They should stop the processed fake meat thing before it turns out like vaping....like no one could see that coming. ...put chemicals into steam and suck it into your lungs...


                  Gathering a full head of steam here in oz guess we’re 6 months behind you guys but had to happen. In all the burger chains etc as of about 2 or 3 weeks ago no idea how it’s going sales wise


                    If you ask me all they were doing was selling shares on a recipe.


                      Mallee, short the stock.


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