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Greta Thunberg climate scare?

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    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
    Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that those people are too busy being productive members of society to take a day off to go and protest the latest cause du jour? You know, with jobs and businesses, and families to raise etc.
    You certainly seem to have lots of time to post on Agriville for being such a "productive" member of society!


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      500,000 people marched in Montreal. There were climate marches all over Canada and in 150 countries.

      Literally millions of people marching.

      Human caused climate change is one of the top election issues in Canada.

      When was the last time there was a global movement and demonstrations on this scale about any issue?

      You don't see any pro climate change or anti climate science demonstrations!
      Yup the climate Scientology cult is growing every day . Does not mean we all have to agree with what they are saying . Many of them can not even think for themselves.
      Time will judge how this all plays out . I know I will not get all wrapped up in it. I have seen enough evidence from both sides to make my own conclusions. No one will force me what to believe .
      The cult movement has polarized around this 16 year old , which is brilliant BTW, but when she marches down the streets of the major cities in India , China , Indonesia, Pakistan and gets support from some of the most polluted places on earth , and they get on board it might be a worthwhile cause. Until then this is just a circus lead by a 16 year old used as a pawn .
      It’s a brilliant plan to make the middle class feel guilty about a climate farce and give in to the wealth distribution plan of the U.N. while leaving the very people , the top .5% wealth untouched.
      When you understand climate forcing chuck , you will have a different opinion on what’s really going on.


        Good point chuckles. If you think about it. It was really a protest that goes against climate science. Confused yet.



            huckChuck, "Human caused climate change is one of the top election issues in Canada."

            Just because some polls show climate change as a top election issues, doesn't mean that it's a top issue because everyone favors government action. It's a top issue because half the people don't want governments taxing the citizens for using fuel when there is no alternative, it's a top issue because the taxpayers don't want to see their taxes sent out of the country to help China or India or any other country, it's a top issue because current Canadian government policy is giving tax breaks to big emitters, but taxing the little people, it's a top issue because the burden isn't shared equally, it's a top issue because farmers are paying carbon tax, while people who eat the food don't pay for the cost of the carbon taxes.

            You just like the Canadian media want everyone to think that it's a top issue because everyone is concerned about glowbull warming, when in reality, it's a concern for many because of the governments policy and where it will take us in the future.

            BTW, how could it now be an issue when everyday blue collar Canadians are paying a carbon tax and then having it returned to them,,, sometimes even more than they paid!!!
            But the kicker is, you don't have to use that rebate in a way that would reduce you carbon output!


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              The wife and I went on a hot air ballon ride on our 25th anniversary I’m not sure where all these trees are supposed to go, the city already looks like a forest.
              Harbour landing will catch up in twenty years.


                When was the last time there was a global movement and demonstrations on this scale about any issue?
                You don't see any pro climate change or anti climate science demonstrations!
                Reply With Quote
                .....I think it's becoming more clear all the time which side is 'anti science'

                this behavior is common just not in science

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                  Originally posted by A990 View Post
                  .....I think it's becoming more clear all the time which side is 'anti science'

                  this behavior is common just not in science

                  And just like Chuck and Greta have been brainwashed into "believing" something despite a complete dearth of evidence, so have all the believers in your picture. The similarities are scary.
                  Especially the one about the consequences of not converting, or being a heretic.


                    And just like Chuck and Greta have been brainwashed into "believing" something despite a complete dearth of evidence, so have all the believers in your picture. The similarities are scary.
                    Especially the one about the consequences of not converting, or being a heretic.
                    i was watching Bill Maher last night, (to bill's credit) he actually had a guest that (very mildly)spoke out against some of this climate hysteria. As soon as they realized he wasn't singing from the same songbook they were on him like a pack of wolves..At one point they asked him if he believed climate science. he said yes and that climate is dynamic..there was a hush then jeers....it was as if he told them slavery should be reinstated
                    this was after Bill was quoting a nyt op ed by Al Gore as if it was holy scripture..(Germany gets all its electricity from renewables?)


                      Chuck said listen to the scientists;

                      https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2019/09/24/500-scientists-write-u-n-there-is-no-climate-emergency/ 500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’


                        When do the show trials and public executions start?


                          Originally posted by jazz View Post
                          Chuck said listen to the scientists;

                          https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2019/09/24/500-scientists-write-u-n-there-is-no-climate-emergency/ 500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
                          The U.N. will completely ignore that .
                          They have set in motion this whole hysteria and topped it off by trying to guilt everyone by using Greta as a human shield now to enforce their 2030 agenda. The wheels are set in motion for their plan of wealth distribution for the 99% , leaving the majority of the wealth in the hands of the top elites of the world to maintain control .
                          The middle class will be non existent if this plan carries through. Private ownership of land is next once they drain wealth just like 15444 has pointed out in another thread through ever increasing carbon tax’s that will have zero effect on climate ever but simply strip money from wealth creating industries such as agriculture.
                          All on the back of this climate emergency that is based on fundamentally flawed science by deliberately not including climate forcing by the sun.
                          Most people have no clue what this is all about but it’s been laid out in the U.N. agenda for years.
                          They even have openly admitted it .
                          It will be interesting times ahead for sure.


                            Old sayings

                            You can fool some of the people all of the time ......etc etc.


                              Originally posted by jazz View Post
                              Chuck said listen to the scientists;

                              https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2019/09/24/500-scientists-write-u-n-there-is-no-climate-emergency/ 500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
                              Not THOSE scientists, only the other ones, you know, the ones who agree with Chuck's agenda,the ones who start with the predetermined outcome, then develop a model to prove it, not the ones who use crackpot ideas like the scientific method, or evidence based conclusions...
                              Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Sep 28, 2019, 15:14.


                                Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                                The U.N. will completely ignore that .
                                They have set in motion this whole hysteria and topped it off by trying to guilt everyone by using Greta as a human shield now to enforce their 2030 agenda. The wheels are set in motion for their plan of wealth distribution for the 99% , leaving the majority of the wealth in the hands of the top elites of the world to maintain control .
                                The middle class will be non existent if this plan carries through. Private ownership of land is next once they drain wealth just like 15444 has pointed out in another thread through ever increasing carbon tax’s that will have zero effect on climate ever but simply strip money from wealth creating industries such as agriculture.
                                All on the back of this climate emergency that is based on fundamentally flawed science by deliberately not including climate forcing by the sun.
                                Most people have no clue what this is all about but it’s been laid out in the U.N. agenda for years.
                                They even have openly admitted it .
                                It will be interesting times ahead for sure.
                                You're exactly right, it's never been about global warming or the environment or climate change, but it's always been about socialism, western guilt, wealth redistribution, crypto communism and neo Marxism.


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