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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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ID:	778488

    Well, its time to get out of Dodge and head south. Next two weeks will be limited crop report. Last night the storms started up with lots of lightning and thunder and it hit the valley and split one north and one hugged the valley. Oh, the valley does nothing yea right.

    We ended the week with 2/10 yesterday. So little over 8 in for the year since melt.

    Crop tour I did last night south to Weyburn from farm shows the guys south of Balcarres that seeded later have one heck of a crop. Indian head is good but some shitty barley etc. No big yields just nice stand. south of there, you get little of everything except at Francis one heck of a nice section of Barley just north of town and it was turning. Late Canola all way south. Late Canola all over. Late Canola, Late Canola Late Canola.

    Ok, let's get the facts out because the Province will have everything is just peachy today.

    The Canola crop is the latest and it is on average 2 weeks later than normal. Uneven fields have improved but some that were short moisture are not filling as good. The rain has helped straighten out a shit show but we need a very open fall.

    So here is the crop report for our area.

    Canola is all in full bloom and few doing fungicides but with the lateness of the crop, most have decided let mother nature push it along we don't have time to delay this one at all. Filling in nice and more even than some areas I have seen. The big problem is it is late and that could have issues down the road. We need till Sept 10th or longer. Right now it improved to 7 but won't even come close to last years yields. All guys have fields that are great and not so great. Canola is late again is the word of the day.

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    HRS the early is starting to fill and has some colour change. Late is moving along. Lots did not apply fungicides as the crop has 10 stages and is late. Why delay 10 days this year you can't afford to. the last frost was 2004 so if your a gambler odds aren't with us. Rating is an 8 as this crop isn't going to bang out the yields like last year. Heads are bigger, the crop is shorter but fewer heads. Filling 6 to 8 but no 10.

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    Barley wow did Saskatchewan seed acres of this crop on the drive south yesterday I was amazed less canola more peas lentils and barley. Our barley is filling in nicely and did get a fungicide app early. Head size is good but thinner than last year. Rating is an 8 so far. Some spots are lodging.

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    Oats is headed and most did fungicide but the crop is thinner than last year and short. Some will be cut for green feed.

    Flax has filled in a bit but ugly is still ugly and weed pressure is doing a number on flax. The dirtiest crop around this year is Flax then Peas then wheat with wild oats coming.

    Pea crop came back to life and all did apply a fungicide. Root problems are still showing up and chem damage from spring frosty nights did hurt potential. I would rate it an 8 as it is way better than last year but then Viper did so much damage it never recovered.

    Lentils are making plant not sure how well they are filling some disease can be seen.

    Durum crop in our area is almost nill. South of Indian head it picks up and lots all way to Regina.

    Hay is getting cut some fields are a total shit show the next is doing quite well. One new field by us has first cut long done and now he has a very good second cut coming. North they are better. Pastures are back nice except heavy grazed aren't recovering fast.


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    So most farmers are working on getting stuff ready for fall as some combines have come out of the shed. Swathers are out. Sell the swather what a great idea. Youll need it this year I am thinking. Lots have headed on some sort of summer holiday. Fishing or travelling. Once August hits things will start to get serious. Grain bins are getting swept out and the massive Canola hoax stored in bins is probably all most all gone. On our farm, the Bin site is done the Gravel has arrived and most pieces are on site. The crew arrives next week. It was in the plans for three years.

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    The one thing again I would like to stress is the crop is various stages and late. F#$King Late. So take off the rose coloured glasses and call it what it is a very late crop that needs a very long open fall. PERIOD.

    Be safe out there doest matter if you're on the haybine or Quad or Boating, Hell golf carts are dangerous also.

    Politics what can I say we have both a useless Fed Gov and Provincial Ag Ministers and All who represent farmers are no better.

    We got screwed on Canola and Peas because of a Fed Gov that is incompetent. That is so true it's not even funny. They can preach we have the best and science will win out but the reality is we were played and played good and the farmer will take the brunt of the hurt.


    Study means do nothing hopefully it will go away.

    F#$K you morons in Gov are easy to read. No one cares about the actual producer in Canada were on our own boys.

    Butts is back to help boy wonder win an election. Are Canadians that stupid and don't realize this Gov is the biggest group of incompetent people to ever run a country. We got what we wanted from the last election the experiment is hopefully over or is it.

    I still say Trudeau will join with the GREEN?NDP?Liberals and form gov.

    Boy, how well will that work for us farmers and western Canada?


      40 MPH wind and rain later for today. Crops are thin enough here they probably won't go down.
      There is my crop report


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        early seeded wheat changing.

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        Kelly and then roll before packer.
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          One thing I did notice on my drive south the early seeded is changing fast but if it was in mid-April its time. These fields are thinner but will make something. Hail is starting to do damage in a lot of areas.

          Watch the sky today could be another one of those days.


            What's with such a small land roller?

            Shouldn't you have an 80 footer?

            Geez man. ...keep up will ya....


            Oh and about the loan ....if no one can back with grain or are hesitant to take it because if the market distortion it will do.....the governments will say there is no problem in agriculture....that's the way they gauge things....

            Farm groups say it's not as bad as 1988.... .


              Crops in Central Alberta look very good. Rainfall in my area is now over 10 inches since May 1.

              Canola certainly looks good. The early seeded is losing flowers rapidly, the rest is still in full bloom. I agree with Sask3, canola is filling in and looking better. A few guys applying fungicide but timing is a crap shoot on canola. I did 40%, will be interesting to see if I can measure a difference. Compared to last year our canola crops are much better, I would give them a 9.

              Wheat certainly looks good but 7-10 days behind. Lots of fungicide in this area. I left 2 fields without any to see if it was necessary this year. We had our first hots days in the last week, certainly made stuff grow. Again I would say better than last year and would give the wheat a 9.

              There is certainly more barley in the area than last year. Malt varieties are lodging, my semi dwarf Thompson looks really good, no lodging. All barley is headed and I hate to sound like a broken record but I would give it a 9.

              Peas were decent last year, this year they are thicker with longer pods. Certainly more peas in the area as well. Mine are podding but still putting out new flowers and growing taller. Between 34 and 42 inches depending where you look in the field. At present certainly better than last year but every year my peas recieve some hail damage so just waiting on the inevitable lol.

              First field of hay baled this week, it is really clean after being washed by over 2 inches of rain between cutting and baling. Still 2 bales per acre, better than my best field last year(my worst was 1/3 a bale per acre last year). Cut a bunch more last Sunday Monday hope to bale it on the weekend but that is up to Mother Nature. Pastures are looking good and my cows appear very content.

              As far as politics go I have to admit that I am surprised that there are a good percentage of Canadians that think Justin Trudeau is doing a good job. I can't think of anything he has done that improves my chances or my kids chances of succeeding in fact just the opposite. Anyway at present everything looks good in the field, enjoy your week!


                The crop around here is descent but by no means a bin buster. Wheat and barley are better than the multistage canola. The canola looks a lot better when in full bloom but late and different stages will be a big issue. Hell the way this crop being so late better buy another swather! This area we can usually swath and not have issues like the north. Was to Candle lake and saw some good crops up there. There were a couple of really good clean flax crops south of PA. There are none in my area.


                  Look at the aftermath of last nights boomer that went through, laid some wheat eastward but not on the ground. Half inch of rain we dont really need. Disease pressure ramping up. Some lentils turning yellow from moisture and disease.

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                    Yea I can’t figure out who would or could vote for Trudeau.

                    Sad how low Canadian intelligence has gone.

                    Off to airport


                      Originally posted by jazz View Post
                      Look at the aftermath of last nights boomer that went through, laid some wheat eastward but not on the ground. Half inch of rain we dont really need. Disease pressure ramping up. Some lentils turning yellow from moisture and disease.

                      Lentils need heat now and lots of it. And thin Canola needs for the gophers to quit knocking it over😂


                        Spitting again




                            4.39" of rain, guessing 1" of rain equivalent in the snow that fell end of april puts us at 5.39".

                            99f on tuesday with direct sunshine. No recovery overnight. it was 78f at 3:30am
                            88f yesterday with direct sunshine most of the day and 30-45mph wind.
                            80f today with direct sunshine, and 30-50mph wind.

                            moisture in top 12" is pretty much universally depleted. Soil probe is hard to get in more than an inch or two.

                            Peas are burning down. Heat a week ago or so, knocked them off the bloom and they are turning hard!

                            Earliest cereals are mostly done flowering, and starting to burn down. Later seeded cereals are getting the shit kicked out of them daily here. Bottoms turning orange, dropping leaves, and just starting to flower nicely. Some second growth that guys were banking on making up for the lackluster first growth is fubar now.

                            Oilseeds were pretty much universally kicked outta bloom the last two days. first growth was in bloom for a respectable period of time. those that were hoping the second growth would make up for lackluster germination will be lucky to see it bloom for a week.

                            Many here were worried about what to do with the second growth in the crops. Mother nature will solve that problem with the last few days, and the next few to come. More warm temperatures, wind, and nil sig rain in the 10 day will have harvest upon us faster than most had thought 10 days ago or so.

                            On the plus side, had this weather showed up the first week of july, most fields would not have warranted a pass with the combine, but a cooler, damper start to july means an average crop (based on long term, not short term memories/expectations) is likely in the making. Just remember that a "long term average" crop yield in the special areas is likely akin to a near failure in most other regions. 20s for cereals and peas, high teens possibly 20 for canola, and possibly single digits for mustards.


                              Has anyone heard/read commentary about the conditions of the Western European crop? High 30's to mid 40'C, maybe they need the heat like we do?!!! What stage of crop development are they at, maybe the heat is good, if they're are just about to come into harvest? Heard nothing in the media, other than there's lots of heat.


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