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Trump Aids Farmers

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    I can see how direct $ to primary producers helps to keep the supply and disposition parts of the industry liquid, but other than the very short term maybe, I don’t see how it helps us. Cash from govt or any source gets capitalized into land, rent and purchase price, and then the fixed cost base is just higher. This is essentially what the longer term Farm Bill has done in the US. Then a commodity market downturn and all kinds of trouble for farmers. Is more cash from govt the answer to keep producing and keep all the per ton earning industry handling volume? Does it actually help farmers?

    Sudden trade issues brought on by our incompetent govt are difficult to adjust to for certain, and maybe there is a case for some short term help. But longer term, reducing costs of production and delivery to foreign markets, and developing new and alternate use markets will create the opportunity where farmers can do what we do and make a bit of money doing it.

    I get what you’re laying down bucket, the frustration and others get govt $ why not us? But is my analysis all wrong? Is diversity of market and use of what we can grow this close to the North Pole not a good long term strategy? Better genetics with disease tolerance to lessen fungicide need/cost? Sure the competition will steal those genetics and have the same in a few years but we have the advantage for a while.

    Tell me how the bto getting a govt cash shot to make his lease payment on a green quadtrac and pay the rent he drove up for everyone in the area, saves us, and how advocating a public funded body like SaskPulse use everyone’s money to lobby for that as a solution?

    I can easily admit I might be wrong


      Originally posted by jazz View Post
      Trump knows everything has been tried in these 3rd world places. Tried to restore laws and democracy and infrastructure, funded armies and police to restore order. Sent in mega cash - 4T into Afganistan alone. Brought 1st world tech into help out. Nope these are still sh*tholes mired in tribal and religious conflict forever. Might as well just dump food on them and hope they dont kill each other.
      Killing each other better than killing us.


        Originally posted by Quadtrack View Post
        I can see how direct $ to primary producers helps to keep the supply and disposition parts of the industry liquid, but other than the very short term maybe, I don’t see how it helps us. Cash from govt or any source gets capitalized into land, rent and purchase price, and then the fixed cost base is just higher. This is essentially what the longer term Farm Bill has done in the US. Then a commodity market downturn and all kinds of trouble for farmers. Is more cash from govt the answer to keep producing and keep all the per ton earning industry handling volume? Does it actually help farmers?

        Sudden trade issues brought on by our incompetent govt are difficult to adjust to for certain, and maybe there is a case for some short term help. But longer term, reducing costs of production and delivery to foreign markets, and developing new and alternate use markets will create the opportunity where farmers can do what we do and make a bit of money doing it.

        I get what you’re laying down bucket, the frustration and others get govt $ why not us? But is my analysis all wrong? Is diversity of market and use of what we can grow this close to the North Pole not a good long term strategy? Better genetics with disease tolerance to lessen fungicide need/cost? Sure the competition will steal those genetics and have the same in a few years but we have the advantage for a while.

        Tell me how the bto getting a govt cash shot to make his lease payment on a green quadtrac and pay the rent he drove up for everyone in the area, saves us, and how advocating a public funded body like SaskPulse use everyone’s money to lobby for that as a solution?

        I can easily admit I might be wrong
        Let the auto sector fail..

        Let the steel industry fail..

        Then I will be OK with letting the ag industry fail...

        Sadly if you support ag. ..the other sectors are supported indirectly.....quicker. ...

        Why give AGT 110 million if ag isn't worth the investment?....

        Why rubber stamp shit performance by railways...and...

        Why does no one else take a pay cut in this market based economy


          How does buying grains at depressed Better to pay them not to plant.


            Time has a way of healing things, how much time do we have?

            Time is the great equalizer, and is the cycle.

            While the USA, Canada, Australia are uncompetitive rampant inflation is occurring in south America, Russia, Kasikstan, etc. The ag industry as a whole, is making good money in those countries. There costs are increasing rapidly as well.
            - they will now enjoy escalating land prices
            - more expensive Bourgault equipment😀
            - Bayer will extract max possible margins
            - increased infrastructure costs
            - govt taxation and corruption extortion that happens at every level not just SCN Lavilin type level
            - fertilizer industry will feast

            What goes around comes around, I hope it’s not a 10 year wait!


              Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
              Except it doesn't - these policies were largely abandoned in the 1980s once they realised it had a terrible negative effect on the 3rd world countries own agriculture sectors. All the previous efforts to educate and help growers in these countries to become self sufficient are sabotaged when you dump a lot of free food in their country. Put all the farmers there out of business overnight then the whole country is sitting waiting on all their food being donated from overseas.
              Where are all your cries of "socialism" now? Subsidizing farmers to produce and then making entire countries dependant on welfare handouts in the process - I guess it's all different if Don the Con does it.

              When people are starving? So what, we give them millions that end up in some despots pocket? You socialists are so damn smart, you have a stupid come back for every idea except shovelling money at other nations.


                I'm not the socialist - its your supposed capitalist friends proposing the socialist solutions here. Welfare for Canadian farmers so they can continue in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to and welfare for the 3rd world so they don't have to grow food to feed their own countries.


                  Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                  I'm not the socialist - its your supposed capitalist friends proposing the socialist solutions here. Welfare for Canadian farmers so they can continue in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to and welfare for the 3rd world so they don't have to grow food to feed their own countries.
                  That's the same argument that can and should be use for the steel, auto, dairy, and conservation industries. ...except they are not allowed to fail because too many people want the lifestyle of 500k homes provide when government subsidizes them. ...


                    Originally posted by jazz View Post
                    Not socialism if the chinese are paying for it.

                    tarrifs are just the exact same thing as carbon tax. Change behavior, look for cheaper alternatives. Eventually it will be too expensive to import chinese washing machines and someone will make them here again.
                    But, right now the importer is paying the tariffs. The tariff cost is then passed on to US consumers.

                    Chinese don't care. US consumers will fund US farmers shortfall. Trump will call farmers patriots.


                      Will Canada be forced to match the upcoming MFP 2.0 south of the border?


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