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Leave it to the Liberals

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    Leave it to the Liberals

    There was a time when we as farmers were going to get carbon credits for the good work we all do .
    Now under the Liberals , all we do is earth smashing horrible and are getting taxed to death .
    Funny how things change eh ??
    Only in Canada
    Wealth transfer scheme bought and paid for by the UN and administered by your Liberal assholes .

    yes furrow you are right , leave it to the liberals.
    and I have said it all along. dirty old corrupt liberals.

    same old , same old. sadly.
    in my case Liberals are just a lessor of evils.
    not much though. at this point

    Why can not govt.s , just manage the place.

    and we get none of that from either

    considering Jason Kenny's tactics, he fits right in .
    and Scheer just has not done it yet.
    they aRE BASICALLY the same

    Bill Boyd . eg. it is not like a one sided thing.
    Mulroney taking cash from Hans Schreiber . same thing from each
    slightly different bosses .

    that said

    if Trudeau had bent the rules to get some f ing pipeline in the ground to save 100.000s of jobs .
    I would be little more forgiving.
    but no , just reinforce the criminal activity of Lavalan.

    but it Is the" same old shit "
    all for Quebec connections

    ( credit cold war motors , for same old shit quote ) great web site, by the way . at least if you want to drink beer or smoke pot and get old car going with buds .
    I will order their same old shit T shirt on principal .
    no idea what function I will wear it too..
    at least it is an escape
    from what we have to endure , from both major parties
    but it is the principle of the thng
    Last edited by sawfly1; Apr 4, 2019, 01:24.


      Don’t forget though, Mulroney was born in Quebec and represented Quebec in Parliament.


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