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Interesting article .... French Canadians

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    Interesting article .... French Canadians

    Explains a lot about the small area in Canada that forces itself onto the rest of the population......

    Also a very important back drop to the current scandle Trudeau is in trying to protect and that very existence of power and money.
    Civil wars break out in some countries where the minority’s try to rule over the majority . Thankfully not the case in Canada , but things need to change .
    Quebec should have separated from Canada years ago , we would be a much more prosperous society without them leaching off the rest of us. $11 billion last year alone to Quebec who had one of the best financial years as a province. This can’t continue, the rest of Canada will be broke serving these self appointed “elites” and the massive corruption there.
    Hopefully the current gong show opens the eyes to most Canadians .

    The only choices Let them rule us and abuse us or form a Western Republic or ask for full Statehood.


      I know it's a dead horse, but an area equal, elected Senate would be a start.


        I don't see much chance of anything equal ever happening. Over 150 years of the west asking for equal and just getting laughed at by the Franco elite's


          As I said in the other thread until Quebec leaves or is kicked out Canada is doomed. Everything that happens bad in this country starts in Quebec it’s time to let them go.


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