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BC liquid LNG project

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    BC liquid LNG project

    well , can't believe it , but Trudeau gets full points for this one . obviously some confidence in our country .
    Harper are you paying attention ?
    if he can get this pipeline going , it will really help the oilpatch , which helps Canada a lot .
    maybe Quebec realized where the transfer payments are coming from
    anyways this is a really good thing for Canada , or am I missing something ?

    Originally posted by caseih View Post
    well , can't believe it , but Trudeau gets full points for this one . obviously some confidence in our country .
    Harper are you paying attention ?
    if he can get this pipeline going , it will really help the oilpatch , which helps Canada a lot .
    maybe Quebec realized where the transfer payments are coming from
    anyways this is a really good thing for Canada , or am I missing something ?
    You know I can't stand all the truduea balognie with all the rights of certain people. Immigration, Maloney going to losers and a few other things but he has said he wants the pipeline built and now this.
    Harper did absolutely fk all
    And as much as the conservatives want to politicize everything about oil they re spinning things that aren't there to avoid people
    Looking at what they failed to do.
    Did they do anything for grain transportation?
    Did they fk up in the way they got rid of the wheat board hell yes
    Did they screw up the farm programs?
    Why in the hell didn't Harper with a majority gov not negotiate the east pipeline as well?

    Even the nafta deal who could actually make any kind of deal with a loser like trump? And yet it happenned and all the items are not in yet but so far doesn't appear that bad.

    What I am pissed about is nothing happenning about pulse markets. The weather disaster that has already happenned and the horrible programs in place.

    I give credit to Moe for going to china but how come there are no details about farm discussions with china or were there none?
    Last edited by the big wheel; Oct 3, 2018, 07:32.


      Big Wheel, you are bang on Harper, he was a dud, a wet rag, and will be remembered for his ass draggin. I really hope Trudeau has smartened up with the polls and elections- maybe he is getting the message that he hasn't impressed many people yet but he does have time to redeem himself. Forget the carbon BS, gender crap, the oil bashing, the open borders. JT get your big boy pants on and surprise us get these pipelines built, straighten out these railways, go to bat for us with India by putting same tariffs on their goods. Just that much would go a long way with respect to nation building.


        A couple of interesting thoughts here. Because the LNG Canada project doesn't cross any provincial borders no federal approval is required. Also it was Truceau that introduced bill C-48 which outlaws the transportation of crude oil from northern B.C. Ports but apparently doesn't stop LNG. The government's of B.C. first started working towards exporting LNG in 1982, taking 36 years to get to this point. B.C. Also exempted LNG Canada from provincial sales tax during construction, has agreed that LNG Canada is exempt from any future carbon tax increases and will get preferential electricity rates. So really Trudeau did **** all but show up!


          Was wondering about
          The pipeline is the real issue the natives want to own the pipeline? This other one partnership with the Chinese is that competing with transmountain?


            I thought I read governments are throwing in 275 million towards this LNG project...


              Conservatives suppose to be oil company politics yet more done on pipeline with a NDP government in Alberta and a Liberal government in Ottowa.Harper was in such a bubble he never met with or cared about provincial politics.Harper was a leader of the Conservatives not of Canada.


                am I in the right place .
                this must the alternate universe agriville .
                WTF happened


                  I would never be a willing partner in any business venture involving natives and the chinese. The govt can get in bed with them if they want. The private money must be from overseas because no canadian company would join this. Wouldnt touch transmountain either. If the only way we get our resources developed is to have foreign owner ship combined with govt and natives, I want no part of that.

                  And truthfully, this was started under harper and the former BC libs. All trudeau did was show up for the signing, like he always does.


                    Jazz you ARE in a business relationship with native people...it’s called Treaty 4



                      "I would never be a willing partner in any business venture involving natives and the chinese"

                      You have a very short memory, does NEXEN not ring a bell.

                      "A Chinese state-owned oil giant is being allowed to expand its holdings in Canada’s oilpatch with a $15.1-billion buyout."

                      Yet you come on here defending Harper as usual.

                      I suppose your happy the way Closet Boy and Ritz Cracker dismantle all the Ag Safety Net programs as well?


                        Are you seriously giving Trudeau credit for LNG? This LNG project had full approval before Trudeau was even elected. The investors were sitting on the project waiting to give a final investment decision for years. The decision to build it has nothing to do with any current government, it has to do with the need to extract the resources and sell them overseas to market by the resource permit holders.


                          Here are the private investors in this project;

                          Royal Dutch Shell.
                          Mitsubishi Corp.
                          The Malaysian-owned Petronas.
                          PetroChina Co.
                          Korean Gas Corp.

                          Love that canadian content in there. Asian govts plus canadian govt plus natives. This thing is already doomed.


                            Originally posted by jazz View Post
                            Here are the private investors in this project;

                            Royal Dutch Shell.
                            Mitsubishi Corp.
                            The Malaysian-owned Petronas.
                            PetroChina Co.
                            Korean Gas Corp.

                            Love that canadian content in there. Asian govts plus canadian govt plus natives. This thing is already doomed.
                            It will get built. That foreign money is the only reason Canada has a shale gas industry. Just too expensive to develop a program without foreign partner money. Most of Calgary operates using ‘pump and dump’ tactics, and they do the same to attract their foreign partners, so I guess that is a win for the Canadians, I don’t know? As long as the service sector is busy I am happy.


                              https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/10/02/facts-massive-lng-canada-project-was-approved-under-harper-not-trudeau/ https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/10/02/facts-massive-lng-canada-project-was-approved-under-harper-not-trudeau/

                              Again, facts are stubborn things.

                              Hate on Harper all you want, but he did the work on this one.

                              Sorry, you Harper-haters.

                              BTW, how do you liberal-lovers "feel" about your puppet with the nice hair now that he's clearly shown that he sympathizes with pedophiles, wife-abusers, terrorists and child-murderers who beat in a little girl's head with a hammer?

                              How can any one of you resident liberals even begin to show your faces in support of such a vile creature who doesn't even have the guts to stay in the Commons to show how he leans on giving a murderess a pass on her crime?

                              Oh - maybe those who hold them up as models would come close.

                              Is there any lower life-form on earth than pedophiles and child-murderers? This happened not far from where we live and the impact of the horrific news reports caused people to turn off their news sources - the descriptions of beyond animal behavior was too graphic for normal humans to endure.

                              And now the prime moron won't stand in a murdered child's defense.

                              Sure, go ahead and praise Trudeau for the accomplishments of another - that's one thing.

                              But by ignoring his real and identifiable loyalties, you become a part of the evil that flows from his core.

                              https://www.thestar.com/amp/news/gta/2012/03/14/tori_stafford_murder_trial_terrilynne_mcclintic_de scribes_killing_little_girl.html?__twitter_impress ion=true https://www.thestar.com/amp/news/gta/2012/03/14/tori_stafford_murder_trial_terrilynne_mcclintic_de scribes_killing_little_girl.html?__twitter_impress ion=true

                              Totally disgusting rabble you are getting suckered in again by the liberal's distraction tricks.

                              So in the future, every time you hear about how the sock puppet "approved" the LNG project, remember the truth that the Liberals used it as smoke screen for their indifference toward the murder of a little girl named Tori Stafford.

                              Oh well, at least it wasn't his own little girl who got ****d and bludgeoned to death, uselessly pleading for help from the woman who killed her and now lives in relative freedom....
                              Last edited by burnt; Oct 4, 2018, 02:29.


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